More and more my weekly positing of weird religious news is focusing upon US politics. It has perhaps been a running joke to suggest that the current administration view the Handmaids Tale as a policy guidebook. The joke works to some degree because of the mounting evidence that religious weirdness rests at the heart of much of their policy. The deep irony of it all is also the observation the Trump is perhaps the most non-religious president ever seen, and yet because he plays a con game and pretends that he is, the religious right play along and embrace him with a cult-like fixation as something akin to a messiah, god’s chosen man.
You might deem the above to be potentially political hyperbole, but scan news items from just the past seven days and you will easily find articles that confirm it. Here for example is the Attorney General of the United States using the bible to justify the morally repugnant policy of taking children from their parents.
What Happened During the last 7 days?
It is a weekly theme then continues to dominate. The Religious right cult continues to lavishly and vigorously lick Trump’s arse declaring that it truly tastes yummy …
- Leigh Valentine On Trump: ‘Every Word He Speaks, I See The Hand Of God Upon It’
- It sure was nice of President Trump to pardon Dinesh D’Souza just as he gets ready to release his latest film comparing Trump to Abraham Lincoln.
- Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coaliton is planning to spend $20 million during the midterm elections in an effort to maintain Republican control of Congress.
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Trump’s Election Is ‘Proof That God Is Not Yet Done With The United States Of America’
- ‘It’s Like A Stealth Thing’: Andrew Wommack Explains How God Is Using Trump To Enact The Religious Right’s Theocratic Agenda
- Pat Boone warns that those who attack President Trump will face divine judgment. He apparently felt differently when Barack Obama was president.
- Pastor Darrell Scott declares that “Trump is quickly becoming one of the greatest civil rights presidents in modern history.”
- Corey Stewart Endorsed By Pastor/Conspiracy Theorist Paul Begley After Saying Trump Is Key To God’s Plan To Take Back America
The con artists also continue to ply their trade …
- Lance Wallnau Claims His False Prophecy Was True, But The Evidence Is ‘Being Suppressed’
- Lance Wallnau: ‘Key Intercessors’ Cleansed Singapore Venue Of Demons Before North Korea Summit
Criticism of the con men is apparently Blasphemy …
- Michael Bresciani warns that those criticizing prosperity gospel preacher Jesse Duplantis for asking his congregation to buy him a $54 million private jet may be guilty of “inadvertent blasphemy.”
The nutters almost always pop up as they strive to out-weird each other …
- Paul Begley Says Kate Spade And Anthony Bourdain May Have Been ‘High Profile Sacrifices Of The Illuminati’
- Paul McGuire: America Is Controlled By A ‘Hidden Network Of Practicing Pedophiles’
- Christian “Prophetess”: God Will Let Me Control a Storm and Volcano! (He Didn’t)
Hassling people is deemed to be wholly appropriate …
Striving to use the Law to impose religious beliefs …
- Ralph Reed: Congressional Leaders Aim To Slip Johnson Amendment Repeal Into ‘Must-Pass’ Bill This Year
- Texas State Senator Admits Abortion Provider Regulations Meant To Shut Clinics
… and what is perhaps the highlight of the week ..
- Jeff Sessions Uses Bible to Justify Splitting Immigrant Kids from Their Families
There are also Good News items
Ken Ham’s folly is not doing too well …
- Ark Encounter Looks Nearly Empty in This Supporter’s Video
There was also this portent of things to come …
- Christian Activist E.W. Jackson Got Crushed in Virginia’s GOP Senate Primary
Finally, on a global scale we have these news items …
- Survey: Many Young British Catholics Don’t Accept the Church’s Irrational Dogma
- Ireland Will Finally Hold a Referendum to Repeal Its Blasphemy Law This October
- Canada Supreme Court: Legal Groups Can Deny Accreditation to Anti-Gay Law School
- In Nearly Every Country, Young People Are Way Less Religious Than Adults
Now that last one is a great piece to finish with. It points us towards a far better future.