Struggling to Leave Catholicism? – There can be Freedom From Fear

What faced with the revelation of case after case of abuse and cover up, how do sane logical individuals react? When looking in from the outside, you would expect that most would perhaps rapidly embrace it all as a wakeup call, reassess their stance and free themselves from the clutches of an organization that has proven itself to be both highly immoral and utterly corrupt. Some have indeed done exactly that, yet to my complete astonishment, many do not, so I’d like to address one of the reasons that might perhaps explain why this is the case.

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New Zealand Skeptics Call for Building on Solid Science

Press Release: New Zealand Skeptics Society New Zealand Skeptics Call for Building on Solid Science Building on solid science is the theme for this year’s annual NZ Skeptics conference, an appropriate-enough theme for a meeting being held in Christchurch (26-28 August). “When we’re unsure of things, looking for better understanding of what’s happening and why … Read more

Atheist History – Thomas Aikenhead

Thomas Aikenhead was the last man to be executed for blasphemy in Britain, so what is his story?

In the 1690’s Thomas Aikenhead was, a young Edinburgh medical student at a time when his University’s library held books by Descartes, Spinoza, Thomas Hobbes and other thinkers, and being a keen student young Thomas would often enjoy reading new ideas.

He later  talked about some of his reading with friends, and unfortunately one of them, possibly Mungo Craig, took offense and informed on him to the authorities. In the autumn of 1696 Thomas was arrested and remitted to the Tolbooth Prison “to be tryed for his life” for blasphemy. He mouldered there until December 23, when he crossed Parliament Square to the High Court to be charged under both of Scotland’s Blasphemy Acts, one enacted before and one after the Revolution of 1689.

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Will Facebook destroy your brain?

According to this story here in the UK’s Daily Mail, Facebook and Twitter have created a generation obsessed with themselves, who have short attention spans and a childlike desire for constant feedback on their lives. It then carries on to explain that

Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, believes the growth of internet ‘friendships’ – as well as greater use of computer games – could effectively ‘rewire’ the brain.”

This of course is not only not a new claim, but also has zero evidence. What we have here is an argument from authority, and not a journalistic write-up from some study … let me repeat, just to be sure you get it …

there is no evidence that supports this.

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Don’t go to Dubai as a tourist if you want to eat or drink?

Dubai sells itself as a holiday destination. It sounds amazing, lots of fantastic beaches, water sports, glorious sunshine, air-conditioned modern shopping malls, trips into the desert, etc … What more could any tourist want? Well, how about being allowed to eat or drink without the fear of being arrested for doing so. The UK’s Guardian … Read more