Fallacy Zoo: The March of the Straw men

The deployment of straw men is often used to craft the illusion of a strong argument. The metaphor is one in which your opponent will surreptitiously substitute your actual argument for a weak passive dummy and then rapidly demolish it. It conjurers up images of assault troops marching out to do battle against a field … Read more

Magic and spells banned by eBay

Starting tomorrow (1st Sept) you will no longer be permitted to buy or sell magic spells on eBay. Really!! you could actually do that? … apparently yes, it was a thriving business. Within their September 2012 update they explain … The following items are also being added to the prohibited items list: advice; spells; curses; … Read more

Embracing the pain of doubt with uncomfortable questions about the real origin of Islam

Last Tuesday ( 28th Aug) the BBC broadcast a very interesting program Islam: The Untold Story.In this,historian Tom Holland examines the real evidence regarding the origins of Islam. Traditionally, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have believed that Islam was born in the full light of history. But a large number of historians doubt that presumption, and … Read more

“Dancing” = evil, but beheading, well that’s just fine!!!

The latest news is what we have now come to expect from the religious lunatics within Afghanistan, 17 people including two woman have been beheaded in a southern Afghanistan village … The party-goers, including two women, were holding a gathering with music in a southern Afghanistan village. “I can confirm that this is the work of … Read more