NFL Player explains Gay Marriage To a clueless Politician

Some folks really know how to write a great letter, and one such example concerns a response to an open letter by US Maryland politician and minister Emmett C. Burns Jr. This clueless troglodyte who somehow got voted into office, wrote a letter demanding that the Baltimore Ravens prevent their linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo (pictured left) … Read more

Murder is not a form of protest

Today we learn the tragic news of the murder of Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador in Lybia. The BBC reports … Unidentified armed men stormed the grounds on Tuesday night in a protest over a US-produced film that is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad. They shot at buildings and threw handmade bombs into the … Read more

Sunset of the Moon

Many years ago when working in Dublin, I was out for a walk one lunchtime on one of those very rare days when that big rather unfamiliar yellow disk in the sky had strangely decided to not shroud itself in a layer of clouds. While meandering along and not paying too much attention, I was stopped by a chap who … Read more

Climate Change: The alarm bells are sounding …

The knowledgeable subject matter experts are yelling, but nobody appears to be really listening … The BBC reported a couple of days ago … Arctic ice melting at ‘amazing’ speed. Scientists in the Arctic are warning that this summer’s record-breaking melt is part of an accelerating trend with profound implications. … The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) … Read more

Climate Change denial and conspiracies

I blogged the day before yesterday about a study soon to be published in Psychological Science . It revealed that conspiracy theories tend to cluster, those that buy into moon hoax theories are prone to buy into other conspiracy theories such as 9/11 being an inside job, or climate change denial. Interestingly enough they also found that … Read more