The best Climate Change barometer: Sea Level

Some still quibble about the reality of climate change and truly do need to come to terms with the stark reality of the physical evidence. Is there any evidence that is beyond all such quibbling? Yes indeed, sea level. If the average global temperature is rising, then sea level will rise, you can’t avoid it. … Read more

The Newsweek “Muslim Rage” cover … does it really represent the truth?

How Honest and accurate is the Newsweek cover? There is of course some very valid criticism to be had here (I’ll come to that), but first lets take a look at the rather popular media portrayal of the entire Islamic Universe being up in arms and out rioting in reply to one daft movie. Take … Read more

And this year’s Ig Nobel Prizes are …

Now least you are wondering, “What the heck are Ig Nobel prizes?”, I better explain.These  honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology. Every year, in a gala ceremony in Harvard’s Sanders Theatre, … Read more

Arctic sea ice extent settles at record seasonal minimum

Well … we are at an all-time low now. Arctic sea ice appeares to have reached its minimum extent for the year, and that extent is 3.41 million square kilometers (1.32 million square miles). It is the lowest seasonal minimum extent in the satellite record … ever. Here are a few scary facts for you … Read more

Magical Claims from Mormons about the “Titius-Bode Law”

While out walking a few weeks ago I was intercepted by a couple of young clean-cut chaps wearing suits and a sugar smile that instantly screamed “Mormon missionary” from at least 500 yards. I’ll not bore you with the conversation, it was, as you might expect, very predictable. For me it was perhaps entertaining, but … Read more

A bit of fun …Messing about with Gravity

There exists a very strange place on planet earth, so weird that gravity as we know it does not appear to work as we expect.

Here is a clip by well-known skeptic, Brian Dunning, illustrating this weird anomaly. It is located within Death Valley deep inside one of the hidden canyons (Mosaic Canyon) and caught my attention because I was in that exact spot a couple of months ago myself and was quite amazed by it. Anyway, here is Brian explaining …

OK, so what is going on here, is this credible or is there something else happening? Does gravity really behave like this?

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