Where do you draw the line between Freedom of expression and valid censorship?

Sometimes attempts to censor go very wrong, and something it is spot on, so lets look at two examples that illustrate where the line is when it comes to freedom of expression. First case – Getting it wrong over at the London School of Economics Carrying on from my Saturday posting about the students at … Read more

Aviation authority issues warning about Flying Witches … for real, not as a joke.

Leo Igwe , a Nigerian human rights advocate and humanist who I’ve had the deep privilege of meeting, has a nicely written and truly skeptical article within New Zimbabwe all about the daft belief in flying witches. He writes about the rather bizarre claim issued by officials in Swaziland … Some months ago, the aviation authorities in Swaziland issued … Read more

LSE Students Union enforces a new Human right – The right not to be offended

There appears to be a bit of a competition going on between the UK based Reading University students union (RUSU) and the London School of Economics students union. Last year we saw the RUSU get themselves worked up into a tizzy because student secular society had a Pineapple on their stall at the Fresher fayre labelled … Read more

Help! I’m a non-believer and I need help with …

Where can you as a non-believer turn for help if … You are grieving …  Grief beyond belief is faith-free support for non-religious people grieving the death of a loved one. You are a cleric who no longer believes … The Clergy Project is a confidential online community for active and former clergy who do not hold … Read more