Debate: Dr. David Marshall (Christianity) vs Dr. Phil Zuckerman (secular humanism)

Dr David Marshall has a reputation as a great Christian speaker. Rather unfortunately for him, he recently went head-to-head in a debate with Secular Humanist Dr Phil Zuckerman at Adventure Christian Church. Now as you might imagine, having a proficient speaker such as Dr Marshall on the bill generates much anticipation of a triumph for … Read more

Claim: “Qur’an mentions the big bang … so it must be of divine origin”

A rather popular pattern is to take some modern scientific fact and claim that an ancient holy text also describes this recently discovered knowledge, hence the ancient holy text must have been written by God / Allah or whatever god concept of choice is being promoted. Almost all beliefs do stuff like this, so it … Read more

Fact really can be far stranger that fiction – rhizocephalan barnacles

The name “rhizocephalan barnacles” sounds rather harmless, but this little creature does stuff that simply blows the head right off most biologists. The Wikipedia entry is a big clinical, so is there anything that captures the true horror here? Yes there is, deep sea news does a fine job … You’re lingering on the shoreline, … Read more

What really causes violence? Sam Harris takes a look at this rather important issue.

Sam Harris asks a rather important question, he has written an article entitle “No Ordinary Violence” on his blog that takes a good look at the root causes of violence. This is a question that needs to be faced up to and asked, we cannot simply sweep it under the carpet, because doing so means … Read more

Idiot of the week: Mr Pat Robertson – “Humanists and atheists are responsible for Nazism”

He is at it again, while some might open their mouth to put a foot in, Pat Robertson simple opens his mouth to change feet. His latest Gem comes from the Monday edition of his 700 Club where we find him making the rather absurd claim that humanists and atheists are responsible for Nazism, and … Read more