The Cult of Fools (Mar 19, 2023) – “You can be a decent Human or you can vote GOP – You can’t do both”
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Pew just released a new survey that checks to see how we all feel about various religious groups. Dated March 15, you can find their report here. Pro Tip: If, for any survey, you can’t find such details, or you can’t work out exactly how they ran the survey, then you should be extremely skeptical … Read more
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
This is not a posting about somebody having a really bad religious experience, nor is it surreal poetry. Instead, it is about a pastor who has grasped the familiar “Bride of Christ” imagery that exists within the bible and then proceeded to run hard and fast with it as Christian Porn. Beyond the bizarreness, it … Read more
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Let’s make something clear up front, this article is not actually about Parachutes. There is something far more serious coming up, so stick with me here. I will however say that the parachute study is quite real. Within the British Medical Journal there is research paper titled “Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma … Read more