World Weather Attribution

World Weather Attribution

Today is a bit of website promotion, namely World Weather Attribution … World Weather Attribution (WWA) is an international effort to analyze and communicate the possible influence of climate change on extreme weather events, such as storms, extreme rainfall, heat waves, cold spells, and droughts. WWA is a partnership of Climate Central, the University of Oxford Environmental Change … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weekly weird religious news

Venture into the religious domain and you will quickly find yourself wading into a pool of strange unusual claims and beliefs. This is perhaps how we are and it is part of the human experience for us to be like this. We may in some respects be rational and intelligent, but that is not the … Read more

Disruptive Innovation coming to your smartphone soon


Starlink is coming. The one constant that persists is change. We constantly tweak and refine what we have, and so it is perhaps inevitable that change will continue to persist and disrupt. One news item popped up recently concerning SpaceX and how what they are doing has the potential to impact us all in a … Read more

Why are some more Vulnerable to Fake News

fake news

For some reason some people appear to be more susceptible to not only absorbing Fake News, but when confronted with evidence that corrects the misinformation, the Fake News tends to stick a bit. Study: Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct A recent study entitled “‘Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of cognitive … Read more

Scientists Aghast by Off-the-Charts Arctic Temperatures, Record-Low Sea Ice


Words such as “Agast” or “stunned” don’t perhaps fully capture it, yet nevertheless we are in the midst of something quite unusual in the Arctic. Via Zack Labe, a researcher at the University of California at Irvine, and others, we have a series of tweets and graphs that illustrate just how weird things are in … Read more