Why are Nonprofits converting into Churches?
There is a recent trend of nonprofit organizations formally registering as a “Church” with the IRS. What’s going on here, why would do this?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
There is a recent trend of nonprofit organizations formally registering as a “Church” with the IRS. What’s going on here, why would do this?
Why does an outright rejection of scientific fact happen? Climate change denial appears to be rather popular in some quarters.
Claim by major producers of HFCs that they had eliminated them turns out to be wrong. Shock Report: Rates in our admosphere have increased
Analysis of samples from meteorite reveals stardust that is 7 billion years old, far older than our sun & earth. How did they work this out?
Why do some find alternative medicine quackery more attractive than well-proven mainstream medicine, and what can be done to address that?
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics