You might, or might not, be aware of the CNN documentary that aired last Sunday (Mar 28, 2021).
Titled “COVID WAR: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out,”, it consisted of Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewing the top six US health officials about the past year.
With no Trump White House in the mix the result was frank, insightful, and revealing.
What Did We learn?
Here are some key insights …
- Nobody ever really imagined one year ago that over 550,000 would die
- About 100,000 deaths came from the original surge, the rest could have been prevented or at the very least greatly reduced.
- Dr Redfield did express the opinion that Covid19 could have come from a lab, but he cited no evidence for that claim.
- The general consensus amongst subject matter experts who have deeply looked into this now consider it to be highly improbable.
- Dr Birx became part of the White House task force because she did grasp how truly serious this was and wanted them to stop downplaying the real risk. She found that she was ineffective. After speaking out last August, she was personally called by Trump.
- Asked what he had said, she explained “I would say it was a very uncomfortable conversation.“.
- After that she took her warnings to a local level because she was unable to speak out nationally.
- She did also say, “He felt very strongly that I misrepresented the pandemic in the United States, that I made it out to be much worse than it is. I feel like I didn’t even make it out as bad as it was.“
- Dr. Robert Kadlec and others revealed that back in January of 2020 they were simply clueless regarding the status of the supply chain for medical equipment. They had to start from scratch.
- Dr Birx revealed that Trump was getting too many streams of information, he was unable to grasp it all, and this impacted policy decision making.
- Dr Fauci revealed that the push by Trump to reopen early went against all the advice from subject matter experts …
- “The thing that hit me like a punch to the chest was then all of a sudden he got up and says, ‘liberate Virginia,’ ‘liberate Michigan,’ and I said to myself, ‘Oh my goodness, what is going on here?’ It shocked me because it was such a jolt to what we were trying to do,“
- Dr Redfied and Dr. Stephen Hahn revealed that they were pressured to modify the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report … (translation: they were being asked to lie)
- Azar has claimed that he did not do this and did not yell at them demanding that they do this. I honestly do not find his rebuttal to be credible, multiple credible sources verify that this did happen.
- Fauci, Birx, Hahn and Redfield confirmed that they formed their own “doctors’ group” when the White House task force meetings stalled.
- Dr Birx also revealed that every doctor who served on the White House task force received threats.
- “My daughters got the same rude text messages. I mean, you can’t even imagine what those text messages looked like, A lot of sexual references, saying, ‘The country would be better off if you were dead.’ ‘You’re misleading the country.’ ‘Your tongue should be cut out.'”
- Dr Fauci reported that he had to endure the same.
Trump Responds
Trump has responded to all of this with a point by point rebuttal.
To be honest, reporting what he claims is simply not worth bothering with. He is not now, nor has he every been a credible source. It is a well-established fact that he will spin a narrative of lies. He has been like that from the beginning of his administration right through every single day to the end.
No his inauguration crowd was not the largest ever, and no the 2020 election was not stolen.
The inauguration crowd claim is truly bizarre. Put up a picture his and Obama’s and you can clearly see which is far larger, yet his supporters would pick Trump’s as the biggest. As a side note, the size of the crowd in attendance at an inauguration does not in any way measure anything at all. Most who are in a position to get to the mall for an inauguration are blue voters. This is because the surrounding area around Washington is predominately a blue district. An inauguration crowd size simply reflects that reality.
Final Thought
Electing an incompetent dishonest buffoon to office has had dire consequences.
Over 550,000 people are dead.
The CNN documentary confirms that it need not have been like this. There is no spinning that.
This is Trump’s legacy.