Has religious decline come to a halt in the UK?

The National Center for social research has recently released some new statistics. In this they reveal that the decline of religion within the UK appears to have halted. The UK’s Telegraph has in turn picked this up and run with that .. Decline of religion in Britain ‘comes to a halt’ – major study suggests … Read more

Telling people how to dress in public

Over in France the concepts of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, apparently only applies to those that dress correctly … The UK’s Independent reports the latest move as follows … Burkini ban: First French Muslim women fined for wearing garment on beach in Cannes Fines have been imposed on women wearing burkinis in the southern French town of Cannes.  … Read more

Will Satanists really be running after school clubs?

There have been reports that the Satanic Temple will soon be setting up After School clubs, so is there any truth to this or have you just tripped over a bit of summer season silliness churned out by a hack while the real journalists are away on vacation? It is also the sort of story that can … Read more

What are the top 5 best fact checking websites?

We are all perhaps overly familiar with the issue of weird or dubious statements and claims. Up pops one that triggers your BS alarm, and you then wonder how you can dig into it and find the truth. The rather obvious solution is of course to google it and see what turns up. While that might not always yield links to … Read more

Poll: 57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution

Having read about a poll of Republicans that reveals that 57% of them would very much like to dismantle the Constitution and instead establish a Christian theoracry, I’m perhaps in one sense not surprised because I was aware that some do indeed embrace that view. However, I do wonder about the number being as high as 57%. OK, so let’s dig … Read more