Is Glyphosphate the spawn of an evil profit hungry chemical company?

If your reaction is to shudder because you consider Glyphosphate to be the spawn of Evil Inc (more commonly known as Monsanto), then I would recommend putting that emotional reaction on pause. It is popular within some segments of our culture to embrace the idea that there is something inherently wrong with Glyphosphate, hence it needs to be … Read more

Proof of Alien Life on MARS … Pictures available

Various media outlets are reporting a rather startling revelation … Life on Mars? Alien ‘experts’ claim NASA images show ‘giant space worm’ Images from NASA show a cylindrical “space worm”, according to alien life research group Secure Team 10. The team compared two snaps captured by the Mars Rover – showing the same spot on the … Read more

Weird Ideas: The Phantom Time Hypothesis

When it comes to utterly bizarre claims then the “Phantom Time Hypothesis” is one of those that does indeed stand out. Basically this was dreamed up historian Heribert Illig and first published in 1991. In summary, the idea is that roughly about three centuries of history (AD 614 to 911) never actually happened and that … Read more

Janet Street-Porter shocked by facts … and so dismisses them

I was writing a few days ago about the recent survey that revealed that the people who do not have a religious belief in the UK are now up to 48.5% and so outnumber the biggest religious belief, Christianity, which is only 44%. As you might anticipate, some who are religious are a tad upset about … Read more