Las Vegas victim threatened by conspiracy theorists

Canadian Braden Matejka narrowly escaped death in the Las Vegas shooting, and so his story along with many others became international news. Here he is briefly telling his story on CBC … He had a very very lucky escape and narrowly missed death by millimetres. Essentially the bullet grazed his skull. If he had been standing … Read more

Abandoning Reality: why was there inauguration crowd size denial?

inauguration crowd

Above are two pictures. One is labelled A and the other is labelled B. Please select the picture that has the largest crowd. Both are of course images of an inauguration crowd, so I think you can see what is actually being asked. People are being confronted with facts and are being asked to pick either … Read more

There is going to be a Flat Earth conference

flat earth

A local paper reports that Cary in North Carolina is going to host a conference of Flat Earth believers in Nov, and no doubt they will come flocking from all around the globe to attend. There are of course people who promote the idea, not because they actually believe, but simply for a laugh and … Read more

What should you do what faced with hardcore vaccine denial?

vaccine denial

Meet Dene Shulze-Alva and her daughter Sage, age 5. The above is a picture of her that was highlighted within an NPR article about vaccine denial.  The backstory here is that she is a hardcore vaccine denialist who has not only refused to have her daughter vaccinated, but takes time out to fly right across the … Read more

Study Claims Atheists are more close-minded than religious people

There is a recent study that claims that their results reveal that the non-religious are more close-minded than the religious. This perhaps merits a quick peek to see what is going on here. Having been a religious person who grew into a non-religious person I have the distinct benefit of seeing the view from both sides … Read more

Megyn Kelly’s Alex Jones interview

Megyn Kelly, in the role of an NBC anchor, has recorded an interview with Alex Jones. Where this attracts attention is that there has been a complete shitstorm even though it has not yet been broadcast. Both names are perhaps familiar. Megyn Kelly quit Fox News and joined NBC last January. Her latest thing is to … Read more