Practical Notes: Using Google to find out what is really true?

Today I’ll try something slightly different and will instead offer a few notes on how to leverage Google to find stuff out. I should however start with one very important observation, Google search is just a tool, and like any other tool it is perhaps akin to a piece of rope that you can either climb with … Read more

Amazing new discovery at CERNs Large Hadron Collider – #750GeV #diphoton

Whispers abound about the discovery of something new and quite unexpected at the Large Hadron Collider. The previous confirmation of the Higgs boson was truly amazing but they were looking for that and expected to find and confirm  it. The recent discovery (not by the LHC) of gravitational waves was also a huge scientific landmark, but … Read more

The Largest Structure in the Universe – The BOSS Wall has a nice article all about the largest structure in the Universe that has been recently observed… or to be a tad more precise, the largest that we have observed so far. The background context here is that the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey has been mapping the galaxies and quasars in the early universe and they have now … Read more

Climate Change: The tipping point is here, we have reached 2 degrees

It has long been advocated that we need to avoid dangerous climate change by keeping the global average temperature rise under 2 degrees, and up until October 2015 that appeared to be viable. Unfortunately since then there has been a very dramatic change, the temperature rise has suddenly accelerated and as a result, January was … Read more

Weird Weekly Claim: “Atheists use less brain function”

So for this week’s weird claim we have a Christian Web site called AmericanVision that cites a study to prove that not believing in a god requires less brain power, and yes, it is not a satire site, he is being very serious. It is actually a posting published back in Oct 2015 and so … Read more

How do Climate Change Denialists rationalise their position?

There is of course often quite rightly a vast diversity of thinking on any and every topic, and Climate Change is no exception to that. However, the prevailing scientific consensus is now distinctly clear and it is like that because it has a solid foundation that consists of rather a lot of well-researched evidence that confirms it, … Read more