Pastor running Ponzi Scheme found guilty – he is going to jail

On Nov 17, a North Carolina court found Pastor Michael Baldwin guilty of running a fraudulent investment scam. What is the story here? Let’s find out. What exactly was he up to? He had established an “Investment Opportunity” called Miracle Mansion that started as long ago as 2009. The concept was this – it was … Read more

Weird Claim: “Biggest Threat to Kids is Hocus Pocus 2 Movie”


Deeply concerned Mom, Jamie Gooch, from Central Texas popped a posting on Facebook. Within this she issued a warning about kids watching the new Disney Hocus Pocus II movie. To be specific it was this posting … She does, somewhere in the middle write, “It seems silly” … yes, Jamie, you nailed it. While I … Read more

Christian School Expels Girl For refusing to have picture taken in bathtub

If you are a student in school who refuses to complete homework, you might indeed anticipate that this would become an issue. Initially you might face questions from your teacher. If that does not resolve it then a visit to the principles office, perhaps with parents, to discuss the matter might be next. What happens … Read more

Tales of an American Rain-making God


Rain is something we do understand. If indeed you are not too sure then within about ten seconds or less you can literally google to find out about the natural processes that cause it. Once long ago our ancestors might indeed have attributed it to the gods. It is perhaps in some respects understandable how … Read more

Dean of Christian school charged with Kidnapping teen

Today’s posting concerns a rather strange case of kidnapping. In this specific case it concerns a conspiracy between the mother of the kidnapped boy and the Dean of a Christian School. We will get into the specifics of what happened shortly. First, let’s step back and mull over the general concept. Ted Patrick, The Father … Read more