Cult of Fools Weekly (Dec 31, 2023) – “Boebert goes into ”carpetbagger Mode”
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of the fools from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
To appreciate what is going on I first need to get you up to speed on some background stuff. Once we have that foundation in place I can then explain the rather bizarre legal move that has been made by the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention). Le’s start with a question – when sexual abuse accusations … Read more
Over in Bledsoe, Kentucky there has been an incident that truly merits a bit of attention. It concerns a shutting down of an artistic conference by some fanatical Christians. OK, I can hear your thoughts, you are thinking that nudity was involved, or something along those lines … right? Nope, this was nothing like that … Read more
This is not a posting about somebody having a really bad religious experience, nor is it surreal poetry. Instead, it is about a pastor who has grasped the familiar “Bride of Christ” imagery that exists within the bible and then proceeded to run hard and fast with it as Christian Porn. Beyond the bizarreness, it … Read more
Today’s item concerns a real proposal that was presented to lawmakers in Iowa by one individual. The meeting is pictured above. They were launching a bill to hand out money for private religious schools, so he turned up and explained … I’m starting Little Devils Academy. Little Devils Academy is going to be a K-12 … Read more
What follows is totally personal and also very subjective. It is also not a list of the Top 5 all-time weirdest claims, nor even the top 5 weirdest this year, or this past month. Instead it is the top 5 weirdest claims that I’ve come across in the past few days. So yes, there are … Read more