We are all aware that there are clerics who have jumped on HMS Delusional and left the shores of reality far behind, but every now and then one comes along who is pushing out further into the unexplored territory of utter stupidity. It is usually the Islamic ones who do this, as in this latest example, but I have no specific Islamic bias here; if you scan across the entire belief spectrum, you will, without looking too hard, find numerous examples.
So what have we got then?
(warning: put you coffee down now, or it will end up splatted across your screen)
We have prominent Egyptian Salafi Shaykh Abi-Ishaq al-Huwayni who suggests that Muslims who have a few financial difficulties should go on jihadist raids a few times a year, and bring back prisoners, including women and children, which can be sold in the market like groceries to bring in extra income when times are tough …
<insert stunned silence here>
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