It’s the season of the Atheist Billboards argument once again

I’m starting out with a recent rant by Pat Robertson, but stick with me here, because this posting is not really about his absurd monolog, that is just a platform to get into the real debate about these billboards. Pat Robertson is indeed the gift that just keeps on giving, and so as I’m sure you … Read more

A Sikh Principal, Too English for a Largely Muslim School

Balwant Bains (pictured), was the head of  Saltley School and Specialist Science College in Birmingham, but because of utterly unreasonable pressure applied by the Muslim-dominated school board he quit. Yes, it is “that” school, the one that made all those headlines. What is new is that he has now given an interview about what happened and so you can read it … Read more

Tax man says “No” to Noah’s Ark

As you might, or perhaps might not be aware, the young earth creationist group, Answers in Genesis (the folks who assert the earth is only 6,000 years old because the bible says so), have been building a life sized replica of Noah’s Ark. So how much would that cost? … apparently $73 million. They had originally … Read more

The rising tide of disbelief within Islam

Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times about the rising tide of disbelief within islamic communities … THE Islamic State has visibly attracted young Muslims from all over the world to its violent movement to build a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. But here’s what’s less visible — the online backlash against the Islamic … Read more

Lord Mayor leaves Islamic charity lunch after his lady consort told she had to sit downstairs

Sometimes I never cease to be amazed at the weird behaviour of some religious people. So the story is that Labour councillor John Thomas (pictured), 70, the Lord Mayor of Leicester, arrived at an annual fundraising event supported by around 20 university Islamic societies in the UK last Sunday with consort Margaret Corley, 72 and was … Read more