Claim: “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.”

Much to the surprise of many, there was a recent article over on the Wall Street Journal entitled. “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” (sorry, but the WSJ article is behind a paywall, but a summary of it can be found here). This of course is not the only instance of such a claim, but rather is … Read more

Leaving islam for many is a death sentence

The normal social expectation is that religious beliefs are in many ways akin to joining a social club, and is a place you can come and go as you please. Nope, sadly it is not like that at all. Many variations of belief, not all, play the guilt card and so they psychologically manipulate people … … Read more

Letting go of religious hatred – escaping into a better world

At a deep psychological level people tend to flow with the cultural tide, and so we have the observation that the religious belief people embrace tells us a great deal about their geographical location and the micro-cultures they inhabit, and not much else. Those born into a Sunni family will generally tend to be Sunni … Read more

Irish Politicians break promise to reform Blasphemy laws

Ireland rather absurdly has a Blasphemy law, and this is not some archaic dictate inherited from the dark ages, but was introduced in July 2009 by the then Fianna Fáil-led government. Enacting something like this as recently as 2009 would appear to be truly bizarre, because nobody was demanding it should happen, and nobody was particularly bothered about the lack … Read more

Reviewing a Christian response to the atheist ten non-commandments

If you are not sure what these new improved ten commandments are or where they came from, then you can read the posting I wrote about them here. Many “Christian” responses to them are what you might indeed anticipate and expect, and fall into categories that are best described as either “unthinking” and/or “impolite”, but I have come across one … Read more

Doctor Who

As is traditional, there was a seasonal dose of Doctor Who, and for those that do not live in the UK, be advised that for those that do, this is an almost mandatory part of Christmas, perhaps almost on par with the elderly relatives who in years gone by would dutifully bring the festivities to a complete halt … Read more