The Hidden sexual message on the latest Charlie Hebdo cover

I never saw it and would have never seen it, that is until somebody pointed it out to me. The latest Charlie Hebdo cover (below) features an Image of Mohammed crying and holding up a sign that reads “Je Suis Charlie”. On the surface this appears to be saying that what happened is completely at … Read more

Christianity in decline

Craig Dunkley, a Christian apologist, writes within the American Thinker about the decline of Christianity in the US, and wants to rally those that believe to push back against the tide of disbelief. He start like this … Christianity is under attack in America, and it’s losing.  Meanwhile, the Church is, in general, sitting out the … Read more

Islamic Violence – What is the best most effective response to it?

How not to reply? A rather popular claim that does the rounds in response to the various rather brutal atrocities is an assertion that “they” are not “true” Muslims, or perhaps an assertion that what happened is nothing to do with “peaceful” Islam. This line of thought is fatally flawed, because it is not only … Read more

Islamists turn out to be the Best publicists ever in history for a Mohammed Image

History once again repeats itself. Back in 1989, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwā calling for Salman Rushdie’s death due to his book The Satanic Verses, and as a result tens of millions of copies were sold. It earned Salman Rushdie $2 million in the first year alone, and also became an all-time best seller for the publisher. Without the assistance of the Ayatollah … Read more

The pervasive and endemic intolerance of Islam

It is a sad fact there even in the 21st century, a 7th century mindset still prevails in some places. Is that a factual statement? Indeed it is, the above diagram illustrates the nations that have explicit laws that oppress those that dare to simply stop believing religious nonsense, and if you still doubt this, … Read more