Is the Shroud of Turin really Jesus?

Within a previous posting from a couple of weeks ago I wrote about the supposed reconstruction of the face of Jesus, and that was shared on Facebook. There one commenter suggested … The only real picture of Jesus son of Mary is the one imprinted upon the linen cloth popularly known as the holy shroud kept in … Read more

An explosion of Virgin Births is happening in the US

I’ve come across an article that dates back a couple of years within the British Medical Journal, and is a study that reveals that 1 out of every 200 women in the US who are pregnant, claim to have done so without ever having had any sexual intercourse. Do we have lots of little Jesuses and gangs of shepherds roaming … Read more

The Mother Teresa ‘miracle’

The BBC have an article about the Pope formally recognising that Mother Teresa, who died in 1997, has successfully performed a 2nd official Miracle, and so is well on track to becoming an official saint next year (about September I think). The BBC article explains … Pope Francis has recognised a second miracle attributed to Mother … Read more

What Did jesus really look like?

OK, let’s start with the quick short TL:DR; version … anybody who claims that they actually know what Jesus looked like is promoting complete and utter BS. The claim The context here is that I’ve seen a few claims floating about within the media regarding a supposedly “scientific” analysis that has yielded the above picture. … Read more

The New Center

Ali A. Rizvi has made a very interesting observation … When it comes to Islam then there are indeed two quite popular stances that are often adopted. On the one hand we have the rabidly hostile xenophobic anti-Muslim position and that is indeed well illustrated by folks such as Mr Trump. It consists of a belief that all … Read more