“What the hell is wrong with him?”

John Kasich, the Ohio Governor and also former Presidential candidate, made a bit a news recently. While on a tour of downtown Exeter, he entered a bookstore, saw a Harry Potter book, and then commented … “You know that Daniel [Radcliffe] has declared himself an atheist?” Kasich said to no one in particular. “I’m serious. What a weird thing. Why … Read more

Hunting for witches in the UK

Leo Igwe, a progressive activist (whom I do know and can vouch for) has written all about the religious idea that witches are real and need to be rooted out. The concept is not new and has existed for quite some time. What is however quite shocking is this … Witchcraft related abuse is a … Read more

Pew Poll Results: Why do the nones reject religious belief?

The rise of a new demography across the US human landscape is perhaps well-known. Various pew-research polls have established that as many as almost 1 in 4 (to be more precise 23%) have opted out, no longer retain a belief,  and do not identify themselves as religious. As reported by pew in May 2015 … Religious … Read more

Is Mother Teresa really a Saint?

Today, in fact 40 minutes ago as I write this, the Pope conducted some official Catholic PR by declaring the culturally popular icon, Mother Teresa, is now a Saint. He announced … “After due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance, and having sought the counsel of many of our brother bishops, we declare and … Read more

Rejecting “Atheist” money … again! …WWJD?

A few days ago I was writing about the Murrow Indian Children’s Home that rejected a donation because it was being offered by a non-religious person. I truly thought I was done, and that was the end of the story, but no, the saga continues to roll, and so here are a few more updates. Matt, who … Read more