Top 3 weird Religious News Items for the week – Sun 5th March 2017

I appear to have started a weekly posting because this is now the third week of this. Last week’s is here, and so I have now scanned the landscape to bring you three more items of religious weirdness from the past week. Item 1 – Evangelist Franklin Graham: Planned Parenthood Fundraiser is like Building “Nazi Death Camp” Did he actually … Read more

Weird Claim: Gladiator battles between humans, giants and dinosaurs really happened

I missed this one yesterday when I was writing my a weekly summary of some of the truly bizarre religious claims floating about this week. It is just too good to pass over, so here it is. Mr Ham (who else could roll with this) tweeted this out … Exquisite design by @ArkEncounter artists for … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

So today I’m turning in a slightly different direction and am posting a few highlights from some of the truly whacky and utterly bizarre bits of religiously motivated news items that have happened in the past week. You might think that I would need to widen the span of time to say a year to find such items, … Read more

Donald Trump proposes to demolish a wall

There is of course Mr T’s proposal to build a specific physical wall, and while that should be both a huge concern and also appropriately criticised, there is another existing wall that Mr T is in the process of demolishing that should also greatly concern us – It is Thomas Jefferson’s wall of separation between church … Read more

Weird: “Prayer Warriors Provide Prayer Shield for Donald Trump”

Christian Today reports on the truly weird behaviour of some evangelicals … Hundreds of Prayer Warriors Descend on Washington to Provide Prayer Shield for Donald Trump hundreds of “prayer warriors” have descended on Washington D.C. to undertake a crucial mission: protect U.S. President-elect Donald Trump by building a “prayer shield” around him ahead of his Jan. … Read more