Banned from Scouts for being Honest

It is all over the news today, George Pratt (pictured) is an 11-year old who wanted to join the scouts but has been refused membership … the Telegraph explains … An 11-year-old boy has been banned from joining the Scouts because he doesn’t believe in God, despite his Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist peers being offered an … Read more

The Crazy is strong in this one … “Death Penalty For Rebellious Children”

Humans are indeed prone to believing some weird and wonderfully excentric stuff, but every now and then you come across somebody who is pushing the boat out into uncharted territory, and here is a truly jaw-dropping incarnation of that. The Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives,  Charlie Fuqua, wrote a book in which … Read more

Aliens vs God … Aliens win.

This of course is not a posting about some actual aliens going into battle against an actual supernatural entity, but rather is about the battle for the hearts and minds of the public in the UK. Just to be clear, there is no evidence for either Aliens or the aforementioned deity. Personally I do think that there … Read more

Conspiracy Road Trip : Creationism

The BBC has been doing a series of Conspiracy Road Trips in which they stick the bunch of people who hold some crazy belief on a bus and send them on a road trip to be confronted with evidence that debunks their thinking. For this one we had five creationists in the spotlight. These five British creationists … Read more

Claims of Peer Review for Intelligent Design examined … and debunked

One of the many variations of modern creationism (the folks that claim ‘god did it’ is the right answer) is called “Intelligent Design”. There they attempt to refute evolution via the promotion of scientific evidence for an intelligent designer, and also attempt to make it more palatable by omitting all religious terms from what is essentially a religious claim. … Read more

I got sued for $3 Million by a religious cult

In December 2011 I was shocked to open the post and discover that I had been served with a Statement of Claim issued by a Canadian court. I was being sued for $3 million, not for something I had personally written, but for an anonymous comment posted by somebody else on my blog. Was this … Read more