Daft Claim of the week: “Atheism Is Enemy of America”

An article by Terence Jeffrey that appeared in “The Patriot Post” makes such a daft claim that it caught my eye. Now if you are wondering “Who?”, well if I happen to mention that he was the campaign manager for Republican candidate Pat Buchanan in the 1996 presidential race, then that tells you a great deal about the spin … Read more

More Student Union censorshit (no that’s not a typo)

Oh boy, here we go again, and as beautifully summed up by Jonathan Jones in the Guardian … Student union officials took down the advert for the Atheist Society at London South Bank University in what has to be one of the daftest and most anti-intellectual acts of censorship since the Catholic church told Galileo to point … Read more

Ham on Nye the #CreationDebate – One further post debate thought

OK, so I blogged about it in detail yesterday and truly thought I was done, but no, an article has appeared in the Guardian that provokes me to return once again to the topic – “Bill Nye v Ken Ham: should scientists bother to debate creationism?“. The argument is one that I do have a … Read more

Creationist Debate: Ken Ham vs Bill Nye – It’s today, but is it a good idea?

Today is the day that Ken Ham, the creationist kook (boo), and Bill Nye the science guy (yea), go head to head in debate … oh sorry, did I betray an ever so slight bias there? Well, the facts are that creationism has no evidence, zero, nada, zilch and is just wrong. There is no … Read more