Crazy Claim of the week: “Evolution is Anti-American” – Michael Peroutka

Michael Peroutka is a well known right-wing religious nut in the US who once tried to get elected as US president. A “nutter” … really? OK, you be the judge, here he is claiming that teaching evolution is an “act of disloyalty” to the United States … So this is how it plays out, his logic … Read more

Weirdness: “Pastor demands that women must be silent”

Is it “International Weird pastor” week and somebody forgot to tell me? After Pat Robinson’s suggestion that it is demons that motivates non-believers refusal to convert, we have yet more weirdness popping up. This time it is Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, and yes, this is the same chap who back in … Read more

Bizarre Award: Pat Robertson Claims Atheist Who Won’t Believe Might Be Demon-Possessed

For some reason Pat Robertson just keeps popping up. He has a remarkable gift for coming out with some truly weird and wonderfully whacky stuff that leaves you perhaps wondering, “Nah, he just can’t get any weirder” … and yet give him a few weeks and sure enough, up he pops to robustly verify that … Read more

A dying Fred Phelps has been booted out of his own Church

CBS reports that Fred Phelps (pictured above), the founder of the rather vile hate-cult known as Westboro Baptist Church, is “on the edge of death.” and their source is his estranged son … In a statement on his Facebook page, Nathan Phelps, who has been estranged from his father for 30 years, said the senior Phelps was dying … Read more