Debate: Matt Dillahunty vs Sye Ten Bruggencate

I must confess that I quite enjoy debates, but at the same time recognise they are not everybody’s cup of tea. Perhaps my interest stems from the thought that all ideas should be robustly challenged, especially those that I hold. But then I do also like to view it as an opportunity to potentially gain additional insights into what makes those with religious beliefs tick. … Read more

Sometimes Satire really is the best form of criticism

Lurking out there are people who hold some very extreme and completely insane views. This ranges right across the diversity of belief and includes weirdness such as: Westboro Baptist church protesting outside a department store in their home town because it just happened to sell Swedish made vacuum cleaners. Apparently the Swedish government had rebuked … Read more

Claim: Doctor raised dead man back to life by the power of God

Today’s weird claim is made by Pat Robertson. Apparently a doctor channeled “god” to bring a dead patient back to life … Yes of course Pat, the highly trained medical team with decades of medical experience had absolutely nothing to do with it, and so we can happily dismiss their active intervention and attribute this … Read more

Clueless Idiot of the week: Senator Jim Walsh of Fianna Fail in Ireland

Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland has reported today that Senator Jim Walsh of Fianna Fail made the following sweepingly inaccurate comment about Atheist Ireland and also about atheists in general when he was speaking on the floor of the Irish Parliament. “We’ve got a lot of representations from liberal groups, and particularly Atheist Ireland, and … Read more