Genocide – Discovery of Mass graves in Iraq

Paris has perhaps eclipsed an even greater ISIS atrocity. Last week Kurdish forces, backed by British and American air strikes, liberated Sinjar from ISIS, and made the horrendous discovery of mass graves. As reported in the Telegraph … They discovered two graves. The first – containing the corpses of older women – was found west of the city’s centre, … Read more

ISIS really is a Muslim organisation

I’ve seen numerous posts pop up on Social Media with the claim that ISIS are not Islamic, for example we have this quote … Those who shed the blood of the innocent have nothing to do with islam That was a claim made by the leader of an Islamic sect that is denounced as “not true islam” by … Read more

What gets you a Death Sentence in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has a justice system whose reputation merits a closer look; they appear to be rather fond of chopping off heads, and so you can’t help but wonder what crimes motivate them to start slicing. As I’m sure you are aware, Saudi Arabia is a highly religious society, and so their judicial system is basically … Read more

200 lashes for being raped in Saudi Arabia

Actions have consequences, and in this specific instance, the utterly absurd actions are those that are being deployed by the religious authorities in Saudi Arabia. AAI reports (with links to their source) … According to The Info Post, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian — typically relative — at all times … Read more

Apostasy, Blasphemy and Free Expression in the Age of ISIS

Not too long ago Maryam Namazie, an Iranian-born secularist and human rights activist, was invited to give a talk to the Atheists, Secularists and Humanists Society at Warwick university. That however was then cancelled by the students union because they feared she might “incite hatred” because as an ex-Muslim she would simply dare to criticise Islam. After a huge uproar (it made … Read more

Bangladesh publishers burn books in protest at killing of secularists

Publishers, whose very life blood is printing books, have been burning books in Bangladesh as a very public protest against the governments refusal to take any decisive action in response to the growing campaign of orchestrated murder that is being directed against writers. The Guardian Reports … Demonstrations have continued over fatal attacks on secular writers and … Read more