Is Atheism Evil?

Is Atheism Evil? For those that are wondering and can’t contain their suspense, the TL;DR; version is …. (insert drum roll here) … “no”. OK, so I’ve been inspired/provoked into writing a few comments in reply to a Huff Po article entitled “Is Atheism Evil?” by a chap called James Clark Kelly whose line is “Interfaith”, and … Read more

The Copenhagen Shooting – Who Really has Responsibility?

Hopefully you can immediately grasp the right answer for this question, and if so then that is good. Alas, sadly there appears to be a strand of thinking that simply does not get it. First, to illustrate the point, let’s switch topic and imagine that a horrendous rape has taken place. The rapist is then put on … Read more

Hamza Tzortzis is Policing thought crimes

Hamza Tzortzis is a well-known Islamic apologist who is one of the movers and shakers behind the rather dubious hate group known as iERA. A Hate group … really? Yes indeed, you will find a rather extensive report on them here that has been published by the Council of ex-Muslims. A few quick highlights from it concerning … Read more

Satire really is the very best way to criticise absurd ideas

When faced with something truly absurd and utterly outrageous, for example racism, bigotry, intolerance, or xenophobia,  then I often argue that the best means of deploying criticism is not rage, but rather is satire and humour. The scope is actually quite wide and need not be restricted to such social issues, but might also include daft conspiracy claims, fraudulent medical … Read more

Some strive to be complete twits, and some strive to be decent human beings

So here is a small little contrast between those that simply do not get it, and are in effect enslaved to absurd ideas to such a degree that they end up more or less self-declaring as complete twits (or worse). Those that don’t get it The Guardian reports that thousands of Muslims gathered in central … Read more

Conversations with an ex-radical Islamist – Why did he change his mind?

Maajid Nawaz (pictured above), a former radical Islamist, now a liberal counter-extremism activist, and author of his autobiographical book ‘Radical’ , held an AMA (ask me anything) over at /reddit/r/books a few days ago, here are some of the questions and answers from that session. The Introduction to the AMA opened with this … My name … Read more