Handling the clash between “belief” and “reality” – A Gay Muslim goes to Mecca

The official position within most variations of the Abrahamic beliefs (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism), is that being gay is wrong and evil and so is also often deemed to be a lifestyle choice. This creates a huge conflict within many humans because it is not a choice, there are humans who have a different sexual orientation, and … Read more

The Islamic alternative to extremism … is even more extremism!!

What can I say on starting this post, except perhaps to advise you to prepare to face-palm. So the news, as reported in the New York Times, is that a Saudi sponsored meeting of Islamic “Scholars” in Mecca have come up with a recommendation for tackling extremism … …they counseled strict, Muslim religious observance of … Read more

Weird Claim – “New Atheism: The Mother Lode of Bad Ideas”

So a posting has popped up that is basically the Mother Lode of weird religious claims. Qasim Rashid, an Ahmadiyya Muslim has written an article entitled, “New Atheism: The Mother Lode of Bad Ideas” that starts out as follows … Mere hours after condemning the murder of three Muslim students at Chapel Hill last month, notorious … Read more

Saudi Arabia accuses western media of attacking its sovereignty – #FreeRaif

The degree of the ongoing human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia is frankly astonishing and so quite rightly they have been receiving rather a lot of robust fact based criticism. What has greatly helped to throw the spotlight upon it all has been their absurd and brutal treatment of Raif Badawi (pictured above), a writer and … Read more

Responding to Islamic Violence – Which Interpretation of the Quran is the right one?

Adam Walker, Spokesperson of the London based Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, has written an article in the Independent entitled “Are peaceful Muslims in denial about their religion?“, and there he makes a case for the Quran being fundamentally a non-violent text. Such a stance is of course to be applauded … oh but wait, there is a bit … Read more

Raif Badawi now faced with a death sentence – #FreeRaif – Prisoner of Conscience

Raif Badawi, the Saudi blogger jailed and sentenced to 1000 lashes for simply running a website that called for the peaceful discussion of religion and religious issue, now faces a potential death sentence. The UK’s Independent reports … Mr Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, told The Independent in a series of messages that judges in Saudi Arabia’s criminal court … Read more