Weird Religious News – Bad Ideas lead to Bad Actions
Here is this week’s selection of some truly weird right-wing fundamentalist rhetoric. As usual, tolerance, compassion, and empathy are AWOL.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of some truly weird right-wing fundamentalist rhetoric. As usual, tolerance, compassion, and empathy are AWOL.
Your are perhaps familiar with the term “grassroots“. In a political context this is bottom up – it is collective action from the local level to effect change at the local, regional, national, or international level. Astroturfing is where malicious forces promote propaganda that is designed to look and feel like a grassroots movement, but … Read more
Once upon a time being a satirist was a cushy job. There were plenty of easy targets. Sadly such days are gone. With the marriage of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism, we now live in a truly weird age where it is more or less impossible to work out what is satire and what is … Read more
It’s that time of year again when we have what must be more or less a wet-dream for that blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. This past week saw CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) take place. No longer is this event a traditional Conservative event, this is a new shiny CPAC reformed in the … Read more
Traditionally, religious belief is perceived to be a place of comfort and also source of all that is good. Mix a literal fundamentalist variation of belief with right-wing politics and you get a very weird cocktail that will render those that consume it utterly incoherent, obnoxious, intolerant. To criticise and mock this torrent of delusion, … Read more
The news is that the Trump administration has broken off talks with California about emissions standards … The Trump administration … is on track to roll back standards set by President Barack Obama, the White House said Thursday. Er yes, if the White House is a source for anything, almost anything at all, you can … Read more