Barney Frank could not talk about his atheism while in Congress – why?

Barney Frank is a Democrat who served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives fromMassachusetts from 1981 to 2013. In 1987 he came out as gay, and to the great credit of the majority of the public this had little impact on his electoral prospects, and so he was returned to office again and again as the most prominent gay … Read more

Some rather strange responses to Obama’s new Climate Change rules

As I’m sure you are aware, Obama announced some rather sensible regulations that mandate that coal-fired power plants in the US need to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions by 30%. In fact Al Gore has chipped in and said the new rules were “the most important step taken to combat the climate crisis in our country’s history”.  Sigh! … if … Read more

Meriam Ibrahim not being released

News has been circulating in the media that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman under sentence of death in Sudan for marrying a Christian, is to be released. For example … BBC here Guardian here Sadly this is not true, her lawyer has advised Channel 4 as follows … Ms Ibrahim’s lawyer Elshareef Ali Elshareef Mohammed told Channel 4 … Read more

woolly mammoth is now the state fossil of South Carolina

I love this story – in South Carolina the wooly Mammoth has been adopted as the official state fossil, not because some learned body or institution managed to promote it, but rather because of the efforts of a passionate history-obsessed 8 year old third-grader named Olivia McConnell who won the day despite some very vocal and rather … Read more

Sudan: Pregnant mother sentenced to hang for her beliefs. Act now for Meriam

Yesterday, I blogged about how Meriam Ibrahim sits on death row in Sudan for the “crime” of getting married to a non-Muslim, and now we have an update. Today Amnesty International UK has an action campaign rolling … Yes, you can now take some action here that can potentially make a real difference. Take Action – Go here, then click Take … Read more

Petition for you to Sign: Abolish Blasphemy Laws

A petition asking the UN High Commissioner to abolish Blasphemy Laws has been launched, the details are … We the signers humbly ask you to consider both a human rights petition and concern shared by a growing number of people persecuted for non-belief in religious dogma, including millions of atheists and agnostics around the world. … Read more