Bishop wants to see a Theocratic dictatorship imposed

The Christian Times reports on the rather bizarre proposal made recently by Church of England Bishop, Tom Wright. He completely rejects any secular ideals and would very much like to see everything rolled back into a pre-enlightened era where the church and the state are one and the same … “The Gospels tell the story of … Read more

Quick quiz that examines your thoughts on religious liberty

With Kim Davis and all her supporters screaming about being oppressed, there is a nice little quiz that they should consider taking. It first appeared a few years ago in the Huff Po, but has not remained static and has been updated. Here is a sample of the first few questions … 2. My religious liberty … Read more

The Atheist Taliban

A phrase that has entered the public consciousness recently is the term “Atheist Taliban” via a Mr Ted Cruz (if you are not in the US and have no idea who he is, then trust me, you really really do not want to know). So the contextual foundation here was laid by a conservative shock jock, Jan Mickelson, who is … Read more



Secularphobia is one of those phobia words that rather a lot of people have a bit of a phobia about (logo-phobia perhaps). Such words do convey and describe fears that are quite real. Some we are familiar with … Homophobia: there still are many out there with an irrational fear of people who were born … Read more

Barney Frank floors Republican commentator with just 1 Question

Now here is a nice way to start Monday, a nice one-line question that is a fabulous come back. So the context is this – a discussion on Financial Regulation. Discussing it is Barney Frank, a well-known Democrat who was elected to the US House of Representatives from 1981 until 2013 and also the co-sponsor of … Read more