Icelandic pirates repeal blasphemy laws

The title of this posting sounds like a B movie plot, but strangely enough it is wholly factual. Up until this happened, Iceland has had a Blasphemy law … Art. 125 Anyone officially ridiculing or insulting the dogmas or worship of a lawfully existing religious community in this Country shall be subject to fines or [imprisonment … Read more

For some The Flintstones is a documentary

You know that there are people who believe truly crazy things that conflict with everything we actually know, in fact, thanks to the Internet we are awash with all sorts of claims that pop up each day, hollow earth, aliens, miracles, bigfoot, etc… the list is almost endless. Anyway, to mark the release of Jurassic … Read more

Teaching “Proper Islamic Principles” to counter the extremists… would it really work?

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, an Iislamic scholar of Sufism and also a politician in Pakistan, has written an article in the UK’s Guardian in which he suggests that “Teaching proper Islamic principles will help stem extremism”, he writes … Radical ideology depends upon a framework of (distorted) theological reference points and scriptural justifications. It is here that appropriate intervention can … Read more