Daft Claim: “Pokémon GO cyber-demons to be used by Islamic jihadists”

Sometimes you come across stuff that is so utterly bizarre that it is actually in one sense quite entertaining comedy gold. Today we throw a spotlight upon Rick Wiles, the host of the TruNews radio program, a Far-Right fundamentalist Christian radio show.  There he not only promotes conspiracy theories, but often strives with some success to out-crazy all the competition. “Weird” does not begin … Read more

Noah’s Folly

Over in Kentucky Answers in Genesis have finally completed the construction of a life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark and opened it to the public, and so you can now, for a fee of $40 per adult, go and gap at this folly. It might sound like a fun based theme park, but this is not Disney, … Read more

Religious group demands airtime on BBC

So the news is that Voice for Justice UK, a religious group, has presented a 12,000 signature petition to the BBC demanding that the BBC should not take up proposals to reduce Christian programs and that they should also fire their current Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Amhed, simply because he is not Christian. Their representative, … Read more

Why is having a gun in your home a really really bad idea?

On a business trip to the US, I was invited by one chap into his home, and at some point the topic of guns came up. Not being a US citizen, he was curious to solicit my views. He was clearly pro-gun and had some rather strong ideas, and so being a polite guest I … Read more

Richard Dawkins – Science Is the Poetry of Reality

Richard Dawkins was originally scheduled to give a talk at the Washington Reason Rally last weekend, but unfortunately due to the minor stroke he had a couple of months ago in February, he was not able to travel. He did however record a message that was played there, and that is now online on YouTube. … Read more

Debunking the Clinton Armani Jacket Controversy

The political arena is one that perhaps does require a rather thick skin, and anybody who steps in will be on the receiving end of rather a lot of flack. However, sometimes stuff pops up that is way beyond the norm. One recent example that surprised me a bit was one bit of criticism deployed against … Read more