Top 5 April Fool pranks that went very very wrong

OK, so the weekend is upon us and it is time to chill. Yesterday was the 1st April, so did anything fool you or was it all obvious? Anyway, regardless of how that played out personally for you, it does not always turn out the way that the pranksters intend. This year Google managed to seriously screw … Read more

#BoatyMcBoatface is what happens when @NERCscience asks the Internet to #NameOurShip

When in need of some help you reach out and ask the Internet, and why not, what could possibly go wrong? The UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) have a new £200 Million vessel that they plan to use for polar research, and so they decided to get a bit of public interest rolling by asking … Read more

A very entertaining talk about absolutely nothing at all

I loved this – The writer Will Stephen gives a completely content free TEDx talk in New York that is about absolutely nothing. He shows and illustrates how you can use gestures to convey the impression that you are communicating something that is supposedly awe inspiring and building up to some profound insight, but is actually … Read more

It is Pi Day

Hey, Happy Rounded up Pi day everybody – (3.14159 can be rounded up to 3.1416) What the heck is Pi ? Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159265, and what is … Read more

Top 10 Hidden Google tricks

OK, so let’s forget all the serious stuff and have a bit of fun instead today. Years ago I well remember that if you entered exactly the correct keystrokes into Excel97 (yes that long ago), then it would start up a flight simulator that the authors had buried in the code, ah but alas it … Read more

Brendan vs Rob

OK, this is simply too funny not to share – no serious post today, just entertainment. You might already have seen it, many others have also shared it. There really are some who demonstrate the need to perhaps pause and think a bit more, and Brendan is one of those. Least you wonder, if you read … Read more