Vaccines save lives … anti-vaccine beliefs kill.

25 year old Gareth Williams has become the first person with measles to die in the latest Swansea outbreak. So why in the 21st century, an age of highly effective vaccines, do we now once again have an outbreak of a very preventable highly infectious disease? It is all down to one man, Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced Doctor who was struck … Read more

Richard Saunders: Adventures of an Australian Paranormal Investigator

Last night I had the privilege of hanging out at Dublin Skeptics in the Pub … or to be more precise “Skeptics in the Exchange” … where Richard Saunders, the well-known Australian Paranormal Investigator was giving a fascinating talk. Richard explained that he has been flown over by some folks to present his film on … Read more

The Numbers game – Claim – “Islam is the fastest growing” … er, except it’s not.

There exists an on-line group that was established by some Muslims to “debunk” Atheism, and so given my stance I was added (without being asked). How are they doing so far? Not very well, but then how exactly do you de-bunk non-belief? the only way possible is to offer objective empirical evidence that some variation of belief … Read more

Defining the scope of Skepticism

Barbara Drescher, a cognitive psychologist and also a JREF board member, has a fabulous posting over on her blog entitled, “On Skepticism: Its Definitions and Scope”. In it she outlines some spot on definitions and has also listed after it a vast wealth of material. I struggled with this one a bit, normally when I find … Read more