Recognising the “No True Scotsman” fallacy in religion

First, lets start with a clear understanding of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy.  This is basically where you challenge others about some rather unpleasant or even quite appalling actions by some group, and quickly discover that “they” are not “real” members of the group. The term was first deployed by philosopher Antony Flew in his … Read more

Death for renouncing Islam

I do hope you are aware that a death sentence has been given to Youcef Nadarkhani. His hideous crime is that he was born to Muslim parents and so has been sentenced to death by hanging in Iran for refusing to recant and convert back to Islam. This is an affront to universal moral values. At … Read more

Why Are British Muslim Leaders Silent About Yusuf Nadarkhani’s Death Sentence?

Donal Blaney, a  senior partner with Griffin Law, asks a very good question on his blog. I repeat it in full here … Is anyone else deafened by the silence of Britain’s self-styled Islamic community leaders? I say this in the context of the impending death of Yusef Nadarkhani, an Iranian Christian who is an … Read more

Blasphemy Day

Did you know that 30th September was Blasphemy Day? Well it was. So what was it all about? It is the day when individuals and groups are encouraged to openly express their criticism of, or even disdain for religion, and was founded in 2009 by the Center for Inquiry. Did the media pick it up? … Read more