Sometimes even smart people can be truly daft for what are essentially religious reasons

Cristina Odone is a journalist, novelist and broadcaster. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies, and a deputy editor of the New Statesman. That all sounds really impressive, so what’s the problem? What I have choked upon is her latest article in the Telegraph, it is packed full of not … Read more

“Is Jesus is like Superman?” – Yes he is, that is spot on … exactly right

When there is something that is popular, others often attempt to hook into it and surf the crest of that so that some other agenda many then be promoted. Well … guess what, with the new Superman movie coming out the Guardian reports … Hollywood studio Warner Bros is targeting Christian audiences in the US with a … Read more

If Prayer works, then the UK Royals should be the most healthy people on the planet

Does prayer really work? The Health of The British Royal Family Within the UK, the official head of the Church of England is also the current royal monarch. Because the Bible encourages Christians to pray for those in leadership roles, each and every week millions of devout Anglicans have formally beseeched their deity to ensure … Read more

Jesus and Mo

Jesus and Mo have a few things to say regarding the lunacy in Saudi Arabia  … I love satire, it is often the most powerful and effective way to communicate criticism. If you have never encountered Jesus & Mo before the I guess you have a few questions … there is an About that explains … … Read more

The Godless Spellchecker – @GSpellchecker it is not Athiest, it is #AthEIst

Should you find yourself in need of a bit of amusement in a dull moment while waiting for a train, plane or bus, then I can highly recommend the twitter feed of the Godless Spellchecker. Why? well because this bastion of non Divine Spelling Intervention is simply hilarious, and as testament to that fact, he has over … Read more