Students have rights, their beliefs don’t.

Rory Fenton, president of the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) in the UK, has a great article in the HuffPo all about what has been going on. After the rather dire actions executed by those attempting to protect specific religious students from having their beliefs criticised, the latest update is in fact … Read more

Sudan: Pregnant mother sentenced to hang for her beliefs. Act now for Meriam

Yesterday, I blogged about how Meriam Ibrahim sits on death row in Sudan for the “crime” of getting married to a non-Muslim, and now we have an update. Today Amnesty International UK has an action campaign rolling … Yes, you can now take some action here that can potentially make a real difference. Take Action – Go here, then click Take … Read more

Petition for you to Sign: Abolish Blasphemy Laws

A petition asking the UN High Commissioner to abolish Blasphemy Laws has been launched, the details are … We the signers humbly ask you to consider both a human rights petition and concern shared by a growing number of people persecuted for non-belief in religious dogma, including millions of atheists and agnostics around the world. … Read more

Magical Thinking

If you have ever debated with a deeply religious person, then perhaps you have come across the picture below, or some variation of it … Initially, you might be tempted to counter with, “Ah so you simply believe that god did it all by magic“, or similar … but if you do then you will be … Read more

The “Freedom from Atheism Foundation” – FFAF

Alas, I think I just broke my irony meter once again; yes the shiny new industrial strength one. The Christian Post reports on the details of the Freedom From Atheism Foundation (FFAF) as follows … Created in 2012 as a response to intolerant atheists seeking the removal of a Veterans Memorial that displayed religious symbols, the … Read more

Notes from Inside the bubble of belief

As a teen I once belonged to a Christian sect that was quite unique in many ways, but then perhaps each and every sect will have unique aspects. These folks did not have Church Buildings, but instead met in each others houses. They also had no clerics and so it was in many ways a … Read more