Election Time – BHA questions for your MP – #GE2015

Hey now this is interesting, the British Humanist Association has set up a facility that enables you to automatically send a series of questions to your local candidates. You start with their suggested text, but you can modify it of course You then enter your name, address and postcode. The system works out who is … Read more

The inevitable decline of religion really is happening

My Daughter was telling me yesterday about a dialog within her RE class in school. The teacher (a “really” Christian lady for the understandable reason that is perhaps a requirement for the role), had been delving into the topic of various ethical questions. One example was of a baby who had been born with no brain, was on life support, and … Read more

Eric Pickles

As I’m sure you may be aware, a UK Government Minister, Eric Pickles, has been making statements … “Militant atheists” should accept that Britain is a Christian country and “get over it”, the communities secretary Eric Pickles said yesterday. Pickles changed the law in 2012 to ensure that English parish councils could not face legal challenges for … Read more