Weird Religious News

weird religious news

When you scan the output from the religious-right, then perhaps the word “Weird” is a bit of an understatement. You have to wonder if they seriously believe the claims that they promote, or if they are simply grifters playing a religious card. It is most probable that we have a full spectrum that runs from … Read more

How many consider Religion to be Important?


In the lead up to Christmas, Gallop conducted a poll of people that asked various questions regarding the importance of religious belief. So what did they discover and how does it compare to previous similar polls, is religion in decline? Highlights Religion is important to 72% in U.S., including 51% “very important“ Record-low 46% in U.S. … Read more

Weird Religious News – “Down is up, up is down”

Permit me to welcome you to a distinctly different universe, one inhabited by right-wing religious zealots who spout an endless stream of utterly weird and truly bizarre claims that are not factual. It is continuous and apparently never-ending. One thing is highly predictable – if they assert something, then there is a high probability that … Read more

Weird Religious News – Beyond Satire and Comedy

weird religious news

A scan of this weeks’ weird religious news is stuff that will strike terror deeply into specific groups of people – namely satirists and comedians. The stuff the right-wing religious promote is so utterly absurd that any attempt to parody it is destined to either fail, or instead be embraced as “truth”. It in effect … Read more

Pew have a new way of measuring what you believe

religious survey

Often a survey or poll will ask you to tick an option such as those illustrated above. Many will dutifully respond and tick the option that best describes their cultural heritage. This however says nothing at all about what people actually believe, but instead perhaps reflects their ethnic or cultural heritage. If you want to … Read more