Is a Naturopath a medically trained doctor?


In many department stores you will find young ladies within the cosmetics section wearing white lab coats. It is designed to craft the illusion of authority and so instil your confidence in what they are selling. They don’t claim to be either a scientist or a doctor and so the illusion is all in the … Read more

Homeopathy: Treating 4 year old with saliva of a rabid dog


This is a story about homeopathy, or to be a tad more precise, is a story about the deployment of homeopathy that illustrates how the embrace of the idea is not just bizarre but also absurd. Rabid Dogs and Homeopathy The Washington Post reports it as follows … A Canadian naturopath claims she treated a … Read more

Motherboard Humans of the Year – Britt Hermes

Britt Hermes

Motherboard has a series of articles entitled “Humans of the Year” in which they profile fascinating people who are passionate and dedicated to something that is really very interesting.  They have just published an article all about Britt Hermes and so if you are curious to understand why somebody who once trained as a Naturopath … Read more