Dragons and Unicorns are real … your do ‘believe’ that don’t you?

Just how daft can beliefs get, can they become, not just outrageously bizarre, but complete decoupled from reality, and yet still assert a claim of “truth”? Yes, they can and often do. I must confess to an excessive degree of bemusement derived from a scan of Ken Ham’s folly, perhaps better known to some as … Read more

Evolution really is True … even when you claim it is not because scientists say so

This is quite funny, well-known young earth creationist, Paul Nelson gets completely pwned. Dr Jerry Coyne is a professor of biology who is well-known in some circles for going head-to-head with the intelligent design community. Least you wonder who they are, those are the “God did it” brigade who attempt to make it all more palatable by stripping away all the religious bits … Read more

Conspiracy Road Trip : Creationism

The BBC has been doing a series of Conspiracy Road Trips in which they stick the bunch of people who hold some crazy belief on a bus and send them on a road trip to be confronted with evidence that debunks their thinking. For this one we had five creationists in the spotlight. These five British creationists … Read more

Project Steve

Lists of Scientists who believe in Creationism With a lack of any real evidence, one rather common creationist approach is an attempt to appeal to authority. The definitive example of this is the often quoted list of scientists who doubt evolution. The creationist Discovery Institute have compiled and published a list of over 800 scientists … Read more