“Trump is pushing hard for a vaccine for a virus he once said would magically disappear.
Believing absurd nonsense is not the issue, it never has been. At some time or other we are all successfully fooled into accepting something daft that we later realise was silly. The problem comes when you mix fundamentalist beliefs with right-wing politics, it is a very toxic cocktail. This wingnut brigade don’t just want to keep their beliefs to themselves , they want to deploy and impose those beliefs upon us all by force.
What exactly do I mean?
Nobody has a problem with the Amish and their choice of lifestyle. If however the Amish insisted that nobody should drive cars, promoted the idea that everybody who does is evil, strove to enact laws banning everybody from driving, and openly discriminated against people who do drive cars, then that would be a huge problem.
What new absurdities have been promoted this past week?
Let’s take a look.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here are some of the highlights this week…
The Cult Of Trump
- 2020 Election ‘No Less Than a Civil War,’ Claims Pro-Trump Anti-Abortion Extremist Frank Pavone
- The guy promoting this was a Catholic Priest. The deep irony here is that Biden is a lifelong committed Catholic and Trump is rather obviously not really a believer at all, he just pretends.
- David Barton has nothing but praise for President Donald Trump’s blatant photo-op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church: “What’s wrong with it being a photo op? You’re holding the Bible up to all of America and saying, this is a good deal and it’s under attack, what’s wrong with that photo op?
- What barton fails to grasp is that Gassing the folks outside and using storm troop to move them away for a Photo Op is the issue, not the Photo Op itself.
- Trump’s Reelection Will Make Christians ‘The Head and Not the Tail’ in U.S., Says Ralph Reed at Evangelicals for Trump Event
- Their support from Trump has actually marked them out as utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt.
- Despite Polls Showing Biden’s Lead, Trump Campaign Press Secretary Says a ‘Free and Fair’ Election Will Result in Trump’s Reelection
- This guy very much reminds me of Comical Ali, Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister, who on live TV from a rooftop tells everybody that the US troops were not in the city, while US tanks could be seen in the background behind him storming the city.
- Coming Soon: Religious-Right ‘Documentary’ Meant to Boost Trump’s Reelection Bid … Marketing materials for “Trump 2024: The World After Trump,” which will be released in September, suggest that the movie will portray Trump as saving the United States
- We actually need to save the US from Trump and his cult
- Mary Salamon asserts that President Donald Trump fits the pattern of the biblical kings: “He is that person for us today, and he loves us.”
- He really does not give a toss for anybody except himself
- Trump-Loving Right-Wing Pastor Perry Stone Accused Of Acting Inappropriately With Female Employees
- Isn’t this part of the job description for a Trump Pastor
- Frank Amedia Says 2020 Pits Trump Against the ‘Spirit of Antichrist’
- This broke my irony meter. The promotion of Trump by Frank as God’s choose man, a messiah, means that he is literally promoting an alternative to Christ, an Antichrist.
Folks who are in complete denial about the reality of what is happening …
- Sean Feucht’s Defiant Crowded Worship Events Alarm California Health Officials
- Rob McCoy Warns Health Officials ‘The Gloves Are Off’ If They Take Action On His Church’s Defiance of COVID-19 Restrictions
- DeAnna Lorraine declares that people who wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are narcissists and psychopaths.
- DeAnna Lorraine insists that requiring masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 “is a form of physical torture” imposed because “they don’t want us to be happy.”
- Not dying is a rather good way to be happy.
- Pastor Greg Locke had a meltdown after being told by the manager that he needed to wear a mask when getting his coffee at Dunkin Donuts.
- Greg has turned being an asshole into a performance art. I have to admit that he is very skilled at playing this role.
- Armstrong Williams appeared on Rick Wiles’ “TruNews” show last night where he spread COVID-19 conspiracy theories while praising Wiles for … “not being some paranoid, conspiratorial-thinking individual.”
- …except that is exactly what Wiles is.
- Least you wonder about Mr Wiles, he was also promoting this last week … Rick Wiles No Longer Believes COVID-19 Is an End Times Plague, But Rather a Democratic/Communist Conspiracy … “asserted that Democrats had worked with the Chinese government to spread the virus“
- Dave Daubenmire Says Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Should Not Be In Office Because She’s Gay … “That is the mayor of Chicago and her wife. … How could any sane person elect that woman to be head of the city?”
- He is not simply attacking the Mayor, he is telling all the voters in Chicago that they are nutters.
- E.W. Jackson is very upset about the news that the Hallmark Channel will include LGBTQ stories and characters in its Christmas movies: “I find it disgusting.”
- He really does not have to watch, it is not mandatory.
Truly Bizarre
- Josh Bernstein says Democrats … “have never gotten over slavery. If they could, they would enslave people today.”
- Mark Taylor assures Christians that the United States is not under judgment from God because … “if America was under judgment, Hillary Clinton would have been the president.”
- Scott Lively believes that churches should be “exempt” from governmental laws and regulations “because the church is a separate sovereign.”
- Rob McCoy likens standing during for national anthem to refusing to salute Adolf Hitler.
- Public Advocate says that the Calvary Chapel ruling shows that Chief Justice John Roberts is now a member of antifa.
- Dave Daubenmire thinks that the left is using demon sperm doctor Stella Immanuel to provide “soft disclosure” about the real existence of “giants, Nephilim, angel DNA, mixed blood, incubus, [and] succubus.”
- Josh Bernstein declares that any white person who plans on voting for the Democrats is “suicidal” because their “personal safety is going to be in jeopardy” if Democrats gain power.
- Liz Crokin says that when Attorney General William Barr played the bagpipes last year, it was a secret symbol about the “Pizzagate” conspiracy: … “These events are not random — the white hats use symbolism & ceremonies for good. … Nothing is random, everything has meaning — as Q tells us. It’s time to pay the Barr tab.”
- Pareidolia on steroids
- Frank Pavone says that “the Democrat Party has made a covenant with evil.”
- The GOP did literally that by backing Trump in 2016
- Liz Crokin insists that “those who scream the loudest against Trump” are inevitably tied to satanic pedophilia.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land last week?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is good, some sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
- Lawsuit: Defrocked Cardinal McCarrick Ran Clerics’ Sex Ring Out of NJ Beach Home
- News like this is no longer a surprise, it is what we expect from these guys
- Anti-Abortion Activist: Voting for Trump is a “Life or Death” Issue for Fetuses
- If you truly care about abortions then take note of the fact that abortion rates go down when Democrats are elected.
- A CA Church Hosted a 100-Guest Wedding, Leading to 10 COVID Infections (So Far)
- Even the newly married couple is infected. What were they thinking?!
- Preacher: Obeying Lockdown Orders Would Violate “Our Lord’s Clear Commands”
- Pastor John MacArthur’s church got over $1 million in PPP loans, and he doesn’t care if the virus spreads.
- 40 Members of a Small Alabama Church Have COVID After Mask-free Revival Service
- This is what a death cult looks like.
- FL Megachurch Pastor Hosts Loud Outdoor Services and COVID-Spreading Indoor Ones
- Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne apparently won’t rest until he’s infected everyone in Tampa.
- Christian Author Claims He Has the “First-Ever Recording of the Voice of Satan”
- Ah yes, a gullibility test.
- Catholic Archdiocese Fights Project to House the Homeless in Los Angeles
- Jesus wanted to help the poor. These Catholics want them to suffer.
- Leader of Christian Athletes Group: We Must “Ban Black Lives Matter From Sports”
- Christian leader Steve McConkey claims athletes are unaware of why they’re kneeling.
- 10 GOP Senators: States Must Open Churches If They Want To Receive COVID Funding
- This is a Republican threat against responsible states trying to control the pandemic.
- Christian Group: You Must Reject Sensible COVID Restrictions… for Jesus!
- These Christians are selfish, dangerous, and irresponsible.
- White Christians Are More Racist Than Non-Religious People, Claims Researcher
- Are you surprised?
- Christian Comedian John Crist is Back, But Has He Really Changed?
- After sexual misconduct allegations, has the Christian comedian really changed? His first skit suggests otherwise.
- James Dobson Is Once Again Fear-Mongering About a Possible Democratic President
- He was wrong in 2008. He’s wrong now.
- GOP Lawmaker Who Celebrated KKK Leader’s Birthday Resigns… from Baptist Church
- State Rep. Will Dismukes is no longer a pastor… but he’s still a sitting Republican legislator.
- MI GOP Candidate to Voters: I’m “Truly a Christian” (Unlike My Jewish Opponent)
- What sort of theocratic campaign is James Linderman running?
Will next week be different and result is no bizarre claims from the wingnuts?
Tweet of the Week – Jesus Was White
Well this happened from a supposed intellectual …
Jesus stands and addresses the crowd. “Well here I am folks, the only white guy in all of Jerusalem“
Bonus Item – Tick Tack
I also loved this tweet …
… and this tweet is also rather important …