The big event of the week was the VP announcement …

Why Walz?
Well, here is Shapiro vs Walz …

While Shapiro was playing “pick me please” on twitter within the above, Walz was just being Walz. Most seeing both tweets could recognise that, and related far more to his tweet, hence more likes. No that was not what actually decided it, it’s just a fun observation. Shapiro would have been just fine if picked, but Walz is also a great choice.
Coach Walz really is very down to earth and normal …
- For the curious, here is the full clip.
And yes, he is the guy who previously, as a teacher was distressed to see kids turned away from the school canteen because they could not pay for lunch, so he swore that he would change that. He finally did when he signed legislation that granted free breakfast and lunch for all students within all schools in his state …
This is not optics or politics, it’s a guy who deeply cares and strives to do what is right. That’s why he is an excellent choice.
I did highlight the above when he signed that legislation back in March 2023. The point at the time, one that is still very valid, is the contrast with Sanders signing into place a law that enabled child slavery …

Tim Walz is of course delighted about being picked, and one good reason is pointed out by a parody account …

How do others see it?
There is a rising tide of very good vibes …

… and yes, the combination of them both is truly excellent …

OK, it’s now fasten your seatbelts time.
Seriously now, buckle up, and make sure you have no coffee in your mouth as you read the next one. If you do then it will end up being splattered all over your screen, because what is coming up is truly wild.

- Yep, just being their old “totally normal” selves, not in any way freaky weirdos at all.
- I really need to up my game, I did not have, not just ordinary lizards, or even overlord lizards, but “overlord lizard mafia“, or even “goblin masters“, on my bingo card. With both Goblin masters and also Lizard overlord mafia in play here, I’ve just got to get his theological org chart, it would be a total blast. I do also wonder how overlord lizards apply to join the mafia, is there a waiting list, and what is the mafia vetting process when considering membership applications from overlord lizards? As for globin masters, clearly not just your ordinary pedestrian goblins, so how does a goblin get promoted to become a master? … we all have “theological” “bible” questions here for this “prophet”.
- For a bit of background context, this was on FlashPoint, which is Kenneth Copeland’s effort to rally the faithful to the Trump cause. Trump in turn often rewards then by calling in for an interview if he wants his ego stroked. For some immediate context, just before “prophet” Joseph Z’s comments about Tim Walz and the “overlord lizard mafia“, FlashPoint host Gene Bailey vouched for his credibility.
- If they can come out with stuff like this, then we all get the right to carry on making couch jokes.
- This is Jesus listening to this …

Yea … sorry about all that coffee on your screen now, I did warn you … here have a virtual wipe to clean it up. That was one hell of a loop-the-loop and this wild rollercoaster ride.
OK, so let’s move on now to view and laugh at some of the other deeply crazy and bizarre stuff that has been tossed like ketchup against the wall by the weird ones during the past week.
That deeply bizarre Trump “Press Conference”
How should the Harris campaign respond to that deeply strange Trump press conferences?
We have our answer, they popped out a press release promoting it. With the shift to Harris there has been a clear vibe shift. The gloves are off and Trolling Trump is in full swing …

The key thing we learned from that “press conference” is why they took him off the campaign trail. It was chaotic. He ranted, raved, and foamed at the mouth about how big his crowds are … no vision, no solutions … just him arm-waving as he hosed the media down with a stream of bizarre lies.
I can only speculate that after that “press conference” went so well the ketchup bottles probably threw themselves at the wall.
Christian Nationalism
This past week there was also Pastor and right-wing political activist Jack Hibbs sharing his arrogant, ahistorical, and deeply weird claim that Democrats can’t be Christians.
- So the party that most reflects Jesus’ teachings can’t be Christian. Got it. (Yep, Hibbs is indeed also one of the weird ones).
- He means of course that “they” can’t be “Christian” like he is because they are not into his specific perverted and twisted version of right-wing “Christianity”
- My favorite Republican Jesus parable from his version of the Bible is about the Samaritan who saw the injured man beside the road, and he yelled at the man to go home because we have borders, motherf***er!
- People like Pastor Hibbs are why so many millions have abandoned organized religion.
- Why does he adopt this stance? The core of his deeply weird claim is this … “Jesus Christ does not attack borders and say they don’t matter. The God of the Bible established borders, he says so.” … and he goes on the advise that if you Vote Democrat then “I have no interest in you.“. If indeed voting Democrat is an effective means to motivate people like Hibbs to steer clear, then doing so just for that reason alone is a big win.
Coach Walz vs Couch Vance
Tim Walz encouraged Vance to get off his couch (yes really, he cracked that joke) …
- Right behind him Kamala reacts as he lands that line …

The Kamala Harris Fan Club
Trump Promoted an Abortion-Ban Group That Claims VP Harris Hates Catholics. Mr Burch, the group’s leader, claimed on Fox that Harris has “an unmistakable record of deep hostility and hatred for Catholics and what Catholics believe,”
- Indeed yes, she clearly hates Catholics, that’s why she serves as VP to the second Catholic president in US history.
- Here is a review of who they are: “Catholic Vote postures as a political organization representing American Catholics, but most American Catholics disagree with the group’s support for a total ban on abortions. In fact, 61 percent of U.S. Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.… Similarly, most U.S. Catholics support marriage equality for same-sex couples, but Catholic Vote does not, and the group regularly attacks progressive Catholic political leaders who support abortion rights or LGBTQ equality.“
- My Thoughts: This is a group that is fully behind the sexual assaulter and convicted felon, so they can F**k right on off because with choices like that, these screaming hypocrites don’t get to lecture anybody on what they deem to be good and right.
- CatholicVote is just another of the many many groups that claims to have lots of influence, but in realty have very little. There are Democrats who are Catholic, and Republicans who are Catholic. Catholicism is not like the evangelical block, they all generally lean into their political identity rather than their religious identity when deciding who to vote for. US Catholicism breaks down as follows – 37% are Republican, 44% are Democrat, and 19% are independent.
The other deeply weird claim doing the rounds this past week is that she’s anti-Semitic because she did not pick Shapiro as VP …

- Apparently those making that claim are oblivious to the fact that her husband Doug is Jewish. The raw stupidity of these people is truly jaw dropping stuff.
- But wait, what about the wider community of Dems, are they Antisemetic? Well, let me put it this way – the leader of the Senate is Jewish (and Dem), Secretary of State is Jewish, and of course: Jewish Senators: 9 D, 0 R; Jewish Members of House: 25D, 2R … yet apparently they want us to believe that it is the Democrats who are antisemitic.
It’s easy enough to play this same game because that sword is double edged and does cut both ways, but most are better than that. This tweet below is immediately seen as satire mocking the weird stance and is not an actual claim …

… and just to drive the point home …

Moving on.
Trump refuses to use her real name and his weird campaign team is on message with that when a journalist reaches out for clarification…

- Exactly how old are these Senior Trump campaign officials, 13 perhaps? Given that Trump hired them, they are clearly as professional as you’d expect them to be.
Christian “Love”
In 2022, Texas pastor Dr. Terren L. Dames delivered a sermon trashing transgender people and asking, “Why aren’t we upset about sin anymore?!” You’ll NEVER GUESS who was recently arrested after paying an undercover cop for sex.
- No doubt he will be telling his next congregation that he was trying to meet that woman in order to save her, and they will believe him.
Actions really do have consequences
Mr Robinson has now reached the “finding out” phase …

- He also voted for abortion restrictions and voted against Medicaid expansion. The winner is Wanda Brownlee Paige, a retired teacher. She said: “You lied to us. You told us you were a Democrat.“
- Incidentally, no Republican has filed in this district, so Wanda Brownlee Paige will be joining the state House.
The Hollywood B list
Steve nails it with his reply …

Here is one of them in action …

RFK Jnr admits that it was him that dumped the bear in central park back in 2014 …
- What we have all now discovered this past week is that eating a dog is the second worst RFK Jr. animal story.
- C’mon, like none of you has ever picked up a dead bear off the road with the intent to bring it home to Westchester and skin it for the meat, but forgot it in your car and went to a big dinner at Peter Luger steakhouse, and didn’t drink at all, but you were with a bunch of other people who did, and then you had to go to the airport, but of course now you had a dead bear in your car, but fortunately or not fortunately you also had an old bicycle and decided to fake an accident in Central Park, and so you did and then flew off to wherever, but then were shocked to realize the next day that it was in “every paper”, including the New York Times, and then you decided years later to run for president and the story come back to haunt you. You have all done this … right?
- Yes it really happened, and it really was in the NYT: https://nytimes.com/2014/10/08/nyregion/bear-cub-found-dead-in-central-park-was-hit-by-a-car-investigators-say.html
- Why would he release this story now? Basically to blunt the impact of a forthcoming New Yorker article. Google him and this story is what you will get instead of that article.
The weird ones are into deporting immigrants, yet are also married to immigrants …

Somebody needs to explain to this next guy that land does not vote, people do …

- Clearly some Republicans like the guy above hate it when people win elections because they get more votes.
- The truly jaw-dropping thing here is that the tweeter, Tom Bevan, is Co-Founder and President of RealClearPolitics, and yes, RealClearPolitics now leans right, they have a really clear political bias. Real Clear Politics was once a “trusted, go-to source” for unbiased polling. The Trump era changed it’s tone — and funding sources.

- Will she also be reminiscing about trips to Minneapolis, Wisconsin as well?
- Jeffress is why churches are rapidly emptying
- Hypocrisy is not an odd exception, instead it is the core tennant of the MAGA Evangelical brand

- Literally everybody knows her last name … his new material is really not working.
- There is indeed somebody in the race with an unknown last name issue, it happens to be his VP. JD Vance was previously called J.D. Vance, and before that was called James David Vance, and before that was called James David Hamel, and before that was born James Donald Bowman … really. (He only adopted the Vance surname in 2013)
Speaking of Vance, let’s go there now.
JD Vance continues to be creepy and weird
Liz Cheney casts a bit of shade on him …

- If asked to caption this movie, I’m going with “The Wrong Stuff”
- Meanwhile, Vance claims in the above that what he is doing is all a bit of a joke. (Entourage was a comedy series)
- And yes, Vance continues to be creepy and weird – the context is that he was stalking Kamala on the tarmac
Vance also managed this excellent Kamala photoshoot …

- Personally I think it is very brave of him to drum up a bit of support for Kamala.
This more or less sums up the optics now in play …

Conservative Messaging is backfiring on them

As always, the Political Cartoonists are being excellent
Here are a few samples from the past week.

Weird is a really good word …
More encounters with the deeply weird “Post Birth” Abortion believers …
Four Seasons Landscaping and now ready for JD Vance (yes they really tweeted this, they know how to play “Go-Viral”) …

Finally, we also need to ensure we sort out the grammar problem we now face …

OK, we can’t end with gammer, so let’s close on a positive note …