During this past week we have seen many Trump defenders from the wingnut brigade pop up to praise him. For example Josh Bernstein declared, like many others do, that Trump …“is a good person, he doesn’t lie, he doesn’t steal, he doesn’t cheat; all he does is give.”
Facts and truth do matter, so let’s pull that apart. Here is the well-documented truth about their beloved messiah …
- Lie … every single day, the rate of his falsehoods is unprecedented.
- Steal … ask hundreds of contractors who have done work for him and have been stiffed.
- Cheat … ask his ex-wives about that. The fact that he has cheated his entire life is well documented.
- Give … There is the fraudulent meal scam he ran, or how about the observation that his entire foundation charity was proven to be utterly fraudulent. That’s not a political opinion, it is a legal fact.
In other words this wingnut, along with all his buddies, is wrong, Trump is not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy.
Wingnut proclamations from the last 7 days
Here for your enjoyment is this week’s selection of gems that have been mined from the stream of befuddled right-wing / religious proclamations …
The Cult of Trump ..
Praise and Adoration for their messiah …
- U.S. Shift on West Bank Settlements Recognizes ‘Biblical Prophecy’ Says Trump Adviser
- Reality Check: The Guardian noted that this is … “a dramatic break with decades of international law, US policy and the established position of most US allies.”
- Stephen Strang: Christians ‘Have No Choice’ but to Support Trump in 2020
- Reality Check: Actually … they do have a choice. It is called democracy for a reason.
- Stephen Strang says that while Democrats “tend to support every kind of weird minority group,” President Donald Trump is dedicated to honoring the national motto by bringing everyone together … especially conservatives and evangelicals.
- Reality Check: That would be only conservatives and evangelicals. Everybody or even anybody else? … yep, also brought together – unified in their opposition.
- ‘Duck Dynasty’ Stars Turned Conservative Pundits Praise Trump’s Christian ‘Evolution’
Cursed be those that refuse to bow down and worship the liar-in-chief …
- Perry Stone Warns That Christians May Unify in Prayer to Ask God to Strike Down Trump’s Enemies
- Reality Check: This is akin to threatening folks with the easter bunny or tooth fairy.
- Jim Bakker warns that if Democrats can’t impeach President Donald Trump and put him in prison, “they will kill him if they have to.”
- Reminder: Jim is the guy who went to jail for religious fraud. He also drugged and raped a staff member.
- Brenden Dilley, who laughed when Sen. Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack, says that anyone who mocked Trump’s health after he made an unscheduled visit to a hospital over the weekend is a “disgusting, godless pieces of shit.”
- Reminder: Brenden is the guy who boasts that making stuff up is fine – it does not have to be true, it just needs to go viral. For example he also made this claim this past week – he asserted that the Democrats were “tricked” into launching the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump by none other than Trump himself.
- Eric Walker: Trump ‘Is a Modern-Day Prophet’ Taking on the Pharisees, Just Like Jesus
- You know in your heart of hearts that Trump would have gone out of his way to ensure that the Pharisees were hired into his administration.
- ‘Duck Dynasty’ Stars Turned Conservative Pundits Praise Trump’s Christian ‘Evolution’
Impeachment …
- Gordon Klingenschmitt says that “a satanic spirit” is driving the impeachment inquiry into Trump.
- Bryan Fischer says that the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is … “a big, monstrous, taxpayer-funded hate crime.”
- Trump World Spins During Sondland’s Testimony at Impeachment Hearing
- Impeachment Inquiry Is a Dangerous, Lawless Coup, But Also Boring, Petty Gossip, Says Tom Fitton
Hang From a Noose …
The backstory here is that Chris is upset by former CIA director John Brenna’s reply to President Trump’s tweet disparaging former U.S.ambassador to the Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, last week. Here is that tweet …
The Tom Hanks wingnut fan club …
I have really no idea why these guys go after him like this …
- For a Third Time, Chris McDonald and Mark Taylor Smear Tom Hanks as a Pedophile …
- Reality Check: Evidence for this claim? – like everything else they spew, exactly zero.
If you read the section marked Politics and Activism on the Tom Hanks Wikipedia page, you will find a lot of very positive stuff. Finding that Tom Hanks is hated by these guys is perhaps a badge of honour in recognition of that activism.
Obama still has an active fan club …
Anybody not supporting Trump is “Satanic” …
- Frank Amedia: Opposition to Trump Is Part of a Demonic Effort to ‘Prevent the Return of Christ’
- This is that same guy who claimed that he had resurrected an ant.
The War upon the fictitious “War on Christmas” is back …
Yep, it’s that time of year again. The wingnut brigade is up in arms about a war that does not actually exist. It should be no surprise to learn that the idea has its origins in an old conspiracy theory. Here is this past week’s update …
- The Religious Right’s War on the ‘War on Christmas’ Is Well Underway
- Jim Bakker claims that, just a few years ago, it was actually illegal to say “Merry Christmas.”
- Fact Check: Nope, never happened. Like everything else he claims, this is pure fiction.
What else came out of the Wingnut fantasy land?
Lots of other stuff.
As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …
US based …
- Flat Earthers Are Whining About How Their Friends Think They’re Idiots
- Their friends are right.
- Chick-fil-A is in the news …
- Chick-fil-A Says It Will Stop Donating Money to Controversial Christian Groups
- Mike Huckabee: Chick-fil-A is Betraying Customers by Avoiding Anti-LGBTQ Groups
- and of course … Chick-fil-A Slowly Backtracks on New Charity Policy Excluding Anti-LGBTQ Groups
- Pat Robertson: The Trans Movement Wants to “Keep People from Having Children”
- Pastor Admits to Stealing $40,000 From Victims of Deadly Landslide
- FL School Board, Fearing Satanists, Nixes Christian Invocations at Meetings
- Christian Group Unveils List of “Naughty” Companies That Downplay Christmas
- “Naughty” stores are the ones that acknowledge the existence of Jews and Muslims and atheists in their holiday marketing campaigns and use language that’s inclusive of everybody, while the “Nice” stores are rewarded by LC for treating Christians as the special snowflakes they think they are..
- Black Trump Surrogate: Women Should Be “Handmaidens” and Homosexuality is “Evil”
- Right-Wing Author Michael Brown Hurls “Jezebel” Insult at Pro-Choice Priest
- Indiana U. Professor Claims Bigoted Views Are “Animated by His Christian Faith”
Also from further away, just to prove the US has no monopoly …
- Fired Australian Rugby Star Blames Deadly Bushfires on Gay Marriage and Abortion
- It’s an old trope for the gay community to be blamed for both Bad Weather and bush fires. What is sad is that this guy is serious.
- Zambian President Denounces Atheists While Praying to God for Rain
- Tell the guy praying for rain that atheists aren’t the weird ones.
- Toronto Catholic School Trustee Links LGBTQ Rights with Bestiality, Cannibalism
Meanwhile, in other religious news …

Anglican Church of Canada Fears “There Will Be No Members” by 2040 …
When asked how his numbers compared to other denominations, Elliot cited similar numbers for the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the United Church in Canada, with Episcopalians expecting to reach zero members in 2050 and the Church of England in 2065.
Why is it like this?
In 2019 they still fail to grasp that gay rights are human rights and humans rights are gay rights. Is anybody really surprised that their decline is inevitable. The world has moved on and is leaving this wingnut band far behind.