The cartoon above by Rob Rogers truly does sum up the weird age we live in. 50 years ago a truly amazing technological accomplishment that inspired all of humanity happened.
Brief story from then. Most the of guys in mission control at the time of Apollo 11 were 28, and also a lot younger when they were hired for the job. In the early 60’s, when faced with what appeared to be an impossible task that was doomed to fail, most of the older more senior staff at NASA opted out. To fill the gap NASA hired bright young individuals who believed it could be done. History proved them right.
Today we might look upon all that is happening and despair and consider it impossible to resolve, yet despite it all there is a better time soon to come. Much of the current madness will pass away. It is inevitable that it will, because what currently manifests is a shrinking minority of intolerance and utter lunacy. Regardless of belief or non-belief, the majority do not support Trump, and they never have (remember that he lost the popular vote).
We can look upon stuff such as the items I’ve highlighted below and be inspired to reject it all and do better, because most of us really are better than all of this.
What Weird items popped up during the last 7 days?
The Cult of Trump … “Racists Unite” …
- Josh Bernstein Urges Trump to ‘Become a Dictator for Patriotism’
- Liz Crokin: Trump Appointed Alex Acosta to Force the Media to Cover Jeffrey Epstein’s Arrest … “she claimed that President Trump appointed Alex Acosta as secretary of labor specifically in 2017 specifically to force the media to cover the arrest last week of Jeffrey Epstein for sex trafficking of minors.“
- (Fact Check: Acosta resigned last week amid criticism of the lenient deal he gave to Epstein in 2007 when he was facing similar charges in Florida, where Acosta served as U.S. attorney)
- White Nationalists Laud and Defend Trump’s Racist Tweets
- Chris McDonald stands in support of President Trump’s attacks on Democratic congresswomen “one thousand million percent.”
- John Nolte proclaims that … “Trump has the heart of a lion, and his willingness to take flaming arrows in the back to speak the truth is the most liberating, crucial, noble, effective, and American defense of free speech in my lifetime.”
- (Reality check: For Trump, “speaking Truth” is an unfamiliar concept)
- E.W. Jackson stands with President Trump: … “I join the President in saying to [Rep. Ilhan Omar], if you think America is racist and unjust, go back where you came from. Millions of Americans are tired of having our country denigrated, our Flag desecrated and the American people slandered as racists for loving this land of liberty.”
- Rick Joyner says that he has met some of the most brilliant people in the world and declares that Trump is probably the most brilliant of them all.
- If by “brilliant” he actually means “bullshitting”, then yes, he is correct
- Despite Trump’s Racist Rally, Some Christians Are Just Upset He Said “Goddamn”
- “Kids in cages? Fine. Racist attacks on congresswomen? Fine. Swearing? THINK OF THE KIDS!“
Abortion is a hot topic that inspires utterly absurd claims …
- Jim Garlow likens shutting down Planned Parenthood to bombing the railroad tracks carrying Jews to death camps during the Holocaust.
Equality Continues to terrify some …
- Franklin Graham warns that if the Equality Act becomes law, … “Christians will be persecuted for their sincerely held beliefs as never before. The clear teachings of the Bible on the sins of homosexuality and abortion will no doubt be considered ‘hate speech.’ It will be a nightmare from which this nation may never recover.”
Gun Ownership …
- Right-wing MAGA broadcaster James R. proclaims that there are no limits on the Second Amendment and he should be able to own a F-15 fighter jet, if he wants.
If it is not us then it is demonic …
- Josh Bernstein asserts that …. “the radical left are demonic, they are satanic, they believe in things that are absolutely sickening and vile, and more than anything else, these people either worship Satan or they’re just so anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-religion, anti-moral values, anti-traditional values, anti-everything and they’re just absolutely warped in their thinking.”
- Mark Taylor warns that demonic spiritual entities are entering America via the Southern border.
- (This guy is quite literally demonising foreigners)
The US, God’s special land …
- Glenn Beck Is Planning to Renew America’s Covenant With God … “the Pilgrims, the Founding Fathers, and several early American presidents made and repeatedly renewed covenants with God on behalf of the United States“
Homophobia on Steroids …
- The Q in LGBTQ Means Protecting People Who Want to Have Sex with Minors, Says Mat Staver …
- (The need for such blatant lies is an open confession that he does not have a rational argument)
Conspiracies …
Epstein …
Unfortunately for Mr Dershowitz, the evidence is very much not in his favour …
“Dershowitz was among a lineup of lawyers who assisted accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in receiving a sweetheart plea deal after he had been accused of assembling “a large, cult-like network of underage girls.” Earlier this month, Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking underage girls, some as young as 14, and molesting them, which has led many to question what the people in Epstein’s orbit knew about his alleged activities and whether they participated. In an unearthed 2015 video, Dershowitz admitted to receiving a massage at Epstein’s home, but Dershowitz said he was massaged by an adult woman and that he kept his underwear on. Two of Epstein’s alleged victims said they were forced to have sex with Dershowitz, which Dershowitz denies.”
Did anything else that was weird happen?
It is a ceaseless constant stream of complete and utter lunacy …
- Christian Critics Condemn Avril Lavigne for Loving the “Devil” in Latest Single
- Christian Supremacist Falsely Claims Muslim Event Will “Rewrite” Our History
- Alleged Child Molester Roy Moore Isn’t Raising Much Cash for His Senate Campaign
- Christian Mom: Godly Wives Must Lose Weight if Their Husbands Call Them Fat
- Ken Ham: Local Reporter Who Covered Ark Encounter’s Failures is “Arkophobic”
- AL GOP Senate Candidate: TV’s Bad Now Because of All the “Homosexual Activities”
- She Asked for Death Penalty Public Records; AL Officials Quizzed Her About Faith
- Pastor: Unless We Ban Abortion, God Will Punish America With Tsunamis
- Japanese Missionary School Investigating 66 Cases of Alleged Sex Abuse
- NE Woman Demands Spiderman Sculpture Come Down Because She Thinks It’s the Devil
- Air Force Capt.: Military Chaplains Who Don’t Proselytize Aren’t True Christians
- Pope Won’t Defrock Bishop Accused of Sexual Harassment and Misusing Money
… and to finish this week, here is a good news item …
- Christians Who Said Taxes Violated “God’s Will” Ordered to Pay $2.3 Million