Pareidolia: Why does our brain see Jesus on a tortilla? – New Research has some answers

As you can see from the picture here, we naturally tend to see objects that resemble faces everywhere. Be it clouds, tortilla’s, bits of toast or odd-shaped hills on Mars, the pattern recognition engine between your ears does an amazing job. Now, what is interesting is that it is just a resemblance, you can also … Read more

Unintelligent Design

I always suggest that whenever you are faced with crazy claims, the best response is not to rant and rave, but instead deploy wit, satire and humour. Take evolution for example, there are folks who not only sincerely tout the thought that it is not true and that “god did it” is a better answer, but they also … Read more

Michele Bachmann Expecting Divine Intervention to Win!!

An ABC report here explains … Michele Bachmann told ABC News she expects to defy her dismal poll numbers with a “miraculous” result in the Iowa caucuses. “We’re going to see an astounding result on Tuesday night — miraculous,” Bachmann told ABC News in an interview at her Iowa campaign headquarters surrounded by young supporters … Read more