Notes from #TAM2012

Tempting as it might be to write some notes on #TAM2012, I find that many others have done a far better job than I could ever aspire to achieve, so instead of inflicting my rather limited babbling upon you, I’ll simply point out some that I really liked. Ah but also with one rather obvious … Read more

Study of Sports related products reveals … no evidence to support claims.

Yes, it is almost Olympic time, so obviously I have no idea what could have possibly inspired a team of researchers led by Dr Carl Heneghan of Oxford’s centre for evidence-based medicine to look into the claims made for sports related products. The BMJ has their study and it is entitled “Mythbusting sports and exercise products“. … Read more

“Massacre of Muslims in Burma” – Debunked

There are a lot of reports circulating in Facebook groups and also many Islamic blogs regarding a claim that thousands of Muslims have been slaughtered in Burma and that the world remains silent about it all. Pictures such as that shown here are common. This comes with some text that usually reads … “50 thousand … Read more


Connie Schultz, a nationally syndicated columnist based at The Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper who won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, was apparently challenged on July 9th. She received the following email … Dear Ms. Shultz, We are doing an expose on journalists in the elite media who socialize with elected officials they are assigned to cover. … Read more

Debunking: “rise of the machines”

There is an article in which Skype founder Jaan Tallinn claims …”Machines are becoming so intelligent that they could pose an existential threat“. Really!! OK, lets take a look. The article is in the Sidney Morning Herald . Claim: “Jaan Tallinn argues human-driven technological progress has largely replaced evolution as the dominant force shaping our … Read more